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Tho egoronturn met puntum i« 4-ij'mQfoeflt.
The coavdhnAi re*umed tlie unfinished bosioesi of (he <Uv
Mi. B'irnet [of CUibume] nvared, and wa* seconded, to add (he following as a new section, to he married 'iiKfcr the third article: ‘Tf.e \ieo*n»l Ampm!.!; alnll, at their fim sowwn, fix oti a temporary #r»t of ynveinwnt, which place, wtien so fixed mi. »hall be the se*f ofgoremtnent for fi?e years thereafter *
Hr. B'irflrt [of Hancock] moved, and wu* «eroa& •d, is nmwil ihe s,iid section i» ihese word*: * shall appoiut live commissioner*, ore from Jackwm, one from Wnyne, one from Wilkinsoa, one from Warren, end on* from Pike, whose duty it shall bp to fix «>n t temporary seal of government, which pbee shall bethe
Mat ofgoTT.-nmem f«»r------years thereafter.’
A’»d ibe q-KWina thereon being (lien, it was d» termmcd m ihe negative.
The jue^K* recurred upon the adoption of the Imi mo red. and whm determined to the e<ya-
Mr. Minion moved, and was seconded, toAmead Jbo third article by adding ibe following as a new section :
*	Tb* gAnwel MmrnbU shall, ai their few mmujd, Ax on 4 KHteUe place fur the eeat ef *ow*menl,
Wherr it shall remaiu------ rears, or until, by »he ex-
ttDguiahnenr of Indian m!e tn land*, the centre ofihe «*te rill l»e ohiaioed; at which Urae the ml ofgor. •rm>ent shall hr permanently fixed at or a* near the centre of ibe «uu> u may be convenient, and removed
thereto bo aoo* asmiuMe boildinge imwtwd (or the accommodation of ibe two Louse* of tite general u> sembly.1
Mr. Mead «ored, and wan seconded, io utaoud the amendrMDt by strifctBg o*n the word * shall,' and ia-sorting *• Keu thereof the word 1 may.'
And the Question being taken thereon, it was determined in the negaiive.
Mr. Poindexter mered, and was seconded, to amend the new section proposed by Mr. Minton, to strikeout frotn the word* lands' lo the word • convcntem,’ tod inliou tliereofinsert these words: ‘they shall dmo it expedient to remove the same to a more central peri of • the state.'
And the question thereon bemg lakes, it was deter Bleed in the negative.
Mr. Leake novad. and was secoo<led, to amend the tame sectrou by iiwiertmg after the word • reman-.* t'e word* ‘ for-------yean#, or.’
And the quesliun being put, it wa* determined m the negative.
The question then recurred upon the adojmnn of the section u momi by Mr. Minton.
And tbe^uestioa being put, ii was determined io theueyative.
The yea.* and uays being denMuded hy two tneflk; -
beta iwfsent—tiwec who voted ir> the a!lirti>f«:.'f me
Mr. PrwiUen?, Mr»m, Bnitidon, t [».k. !>.iv	' nijj,
johtifon, K'io*. Lo-:kC, Minton, ItAiikm, Slcx'l, G Tdjrlur. Wilkitf*, Wiliiwas, Weei—Io.

Mississippi General Document (010)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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