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Ms. Margaret M. Gibbens November 22, 1978 Page 2
studies to determine project viability. Again, funds are available on a competitive matching basis, and applicants must be member organizations of the National Trust. I have enclosed the necessary applications for your use and please let me know if I can be of any assistance in developing an application with you.
I	hope this information will be of use to you. In looking at suitable space I would hope you would consider the importance of locating in an older building which is in need of	rehabilitation.	This will	demonstrate your commitment to
the preservation of	your local built	environment and can be a visible example
of the potential of	older buildings.	You must	also consider the location of any
facility so that it	will be readily accessible	to the community and tourists,	and
a downtown location might not be the worst place to be for visibility as well as accessibility. Of course, these decisions must be made with the importance of your historical collections in mind, but I would suggest that there may be an opportunity in your downtown which could be suitable for your purposes.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. The next deadline for consideration for CSG applications is December 31, bur grants are awarded quarterly and do not feel constrained by that date. I look forward to working with you in the future.
John Meffert Preservation Planner
E. Hilliard, SHPO

National Register Document (082)
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