This text was obtained via automated optical character recognition.
It has not been edited and may therefore contain several errors.

Bay Saint Louis Herald, 1876, Owner/editor Dan B. Seal Bay Saint Louis Gazette, 1868, Frank Heiderhoff owner/editor. (SCE Jub Edit 1942)
Coast Buyers Guide (VF some copies 1976, 77, 78)
Coast Chronical (VF copy 2/14/1979)
Coast Historical Gazette (VF copy 1972)
Guide, The - (VF copy 5/15/1936)
Gainesville Star, First newspaper published in Miss. 1866 Hand press. (SCE Jub Edit 1942)
Gulf Coast Progress. 1887, A.R. Hart purchased the Sea Coast Advertisor and changed its name to the GCP. (SCE Jub Edit 1942)
1898 - M 1905-07 - A 1916-17 - A 1920-21 - A Hancock County Eagle (VF several copies)
1950	- A
1951	- A
1952	- A
1953	- A
1954	- A 1957 - M
1959	- M
1960	- M
1961	- A
1962	- M
1963	- A
1964	- A
1965	- M
Hawk, The - (VF copies from 1972 to 1976)
High School Idea (newspaper)
Owl, The - (VF some copies 1969 & 1970)
Pearl River Journal (VF 1976)
Sea Coast Advertisor, Geiger & Whitfielf proprietors A.R.
Hart purchased paper and changed name to Gulf Coast Progress and edited it until 1929. (SCE Jub Edit 1942)
Sea Coast Echo, Jan 1892, Missed only one week in first 50 years. Charles Moreau was owner-editor for fifty years. First newspaper in Mississippi to own its own building. Annual subscription in May 1911 was $1.50. (SCE Jub Edit 1942)
Bound volumes of News Papers stored in the Court House,
1993 .

Newspapers Document (012)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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