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CABIN KICKS (Cont’d from p. 2)^/
vOn the night of tho mysterious, Friday the 13th, the Tigers of Upstairs invited the boys fror. Forgot-'ie-Not end Governor's to a rendezvous at the "haunfcod house." When the .*cya arrived, they wore greeted at the door by a mysterious "Oman "ho told them to plcdgo silence so communication with the spirits could be successful. Next, sone boys were told of happenings in their past and then, "iiadamc Tiger" and other boys used r. Ouija “board to find out about things that would happen in the future. Another mystery guest read card fortunes and then the group of girls "bit the boys on the neck" as there was a full moon. After having milk and cookies, the group disbanded leaving the spirits to rest in peace.
Tho Winds and the Tigers hiked two by two to Sandy Beach last week* They sang songs on the ray* When they got there they talked all around. Then everyone ras thirsty but before any water could be found, it was time to hike back to camp.
The Big wife Rivor~Trrp~ by Loanno Zibilich
The Wolfe Kiver Trip was a success.
The girls and boys that were there went swimming twice. They ato two meals, whic' were as good as in the moss hall or bettc . The night was a bit uncomfortable for sCi. but the rest of the fun made up for it. The seven girls who went were: Cheryl Tompson, Debra Doyle, Linda Harang, Gay Schopp, Lana Mgegel, Alice A pplewhite, And Leanne Zibilich. The boys were: Allyn Robinson, Don Jones, Dan Jones, Jimmy Forgerson, Layman Harang, Billy Gatlin, and William Autin. The counselors were Cider, Squirrel> Happy, Timber, Soapy and Skeota. Everyone had a grand time.
The County by Albert Porter and Ned Couvillion
Saturday night there was a county fair. Each camper had twenty beans to spend on pop com, kool aid and all kinds of games such as horse shoes, darts, sing-song and bowling. For guessing the closest number in tho guess the number of boans, Terry Camardi won a breakfast in bed. For winning the entrance prizes Tiger made Lay man Harang's bed and i.'atusi made Gay Sc hopp's.
GREENIES TAKE A NIGHT OFF by Linda Harang Yes, as the Whites entertained, the Greens enjoyed. On the night of July 12, 1962, the Whites and Greens presented skills of all kinds. As the
Sunday Night Campfire by Brink Grush
For supper the Greens and Whites cooked out at separate campfirs. Then everyone opening attraction, Whites from Shamrock	together for Indian challenges, Tiger
showed their acrobatic skills which wore an<* ^PPy showed us how to do the turtle-followed by a "hick skit" from tho Tigers back* Everyone enjoyed Indian wrestling of Upstairs called "Sob, Sob." Next on thoand le® wrestling, agenda wore the Whites from Ross with a
now "Twist" called "Daisy and the Om-Pah-Pah" which preceded the Greon Winds singing "Louisiana Hayride." The boys from Governor's provided a bit of ccmedy with a skit callcd "Echo Canyon." Next some White winds rBcreated "Bernice with the Golden Hair." Counselor card sharks took tho f loor next and showed us
amazing skills which proved that "the _______________:-------—------.-----------
hand is quickor than the eye," Acoomp^i^JP10 _TOlitos^rom, ¥oldmcJcl Pr°scn*cd
The Photography Hike by Bernice Robinson Shelly Sournior, Janet Downey and I went on a photography hike. We took pictures of the boys in swimming without their knowing it. We went to camp crafts and to archcry then wo came back across the stream.
by Beaver, Calvin Tozel and Alien Robinson next sang two tot their favorite songs; four of Feldman's Greens then sang
’'Professor Eisenburgcr and His Famous Quartet" and the boys from Forget-Me-Not performed "The Extraction with Dr. Kill
A VJUi UJ. JL' KJ J-UtUC. 11 A VJTJ. WMS tliUil OCUIE * ~-	------	---------------
the Mexican Uoodpockcr Song, (soo next column) All# Last of all the Ctrcoao crt ^oaa
presented ‘'Out of

Onward Oaks Programs & Shows 1962-1967 (08)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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