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Our Lady Of The Woods Shrine
The Shrine of the Our Lady of the Woods was erected by Reverend Father Stanislaus Buteux, a French Priest who came to Bay St. Louis in 1847. Some years later he returned to France for the double purpose of recuperating his strength and of seeking help in behalf of his mission.
The good priest did not remain long in his native land for his heart was centered in his beloved mission. Once more, he severed home ties and took passage for his far-off Shieldsboro, now Bay b't. Louis. A violent storm arose, the vessel sprang a leak, destruction to all was inevitable. In the midst of confusion and dismay, lleverend Father Buteux fell upon his knees, invoked the protection of the Blessed Virgin, and promised, if their lives were spared, to erect a shrine in her honor. Lo! a miracle was performed. The vessel destitute of mast or sail, entered safely into port.
A few months later, a statue arrived from France. Father Buteux gathered parishioners about him, and followed by the Sisters of Saint Joseph and Brothers of tihe Sacred Heart, went in procession to the rear of the S'aint Joseph Academy grounds, then a wilderness. Here he placed the statue upon its pedestal, the trunk of a tree felled for that purpose. Soon the Sisters, aided by a few ladies, built a wooden pedestal, and began to plant the lovely avenue of cedars that lead to the Shrine.
Some years afterwards, a gentleman involved in serious diffi-
culties, his reputation was at stake, and prison cell awaited him—made a solemn promise to “Our Lady of the Woods” that if she would help him in this, his great need, he would erect a suitable shrine in her honor. This grace was obtained and true to his promise, he erected the present neat little Shrine. The woods have disappeared, but the little statue stands pure and immaculate in a leafy bower.
That the original statue has withstood the force of the elements for over 100 years is almost miraculous.
r. o. bkjA DAY ST. LOUIS, MS iCu^O

Our Lady of the Gulf Church Document (042)
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