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Alice:	It	must	have	been more or less around where they have Beau
Chene now, but also he had this place in New Hampshire.
Mamoo:	In	New Hampshire.
Alice: For years.
Mamoo:	He	never did give that up.
Alice:	Until	he died. But he died.	He left, it to Uncle	Albert
hoping	Uncle	Albert would keep it up,	but. Uncle Albert.	Baldwin
thought it was too far away for him to take care of so they sold it.
Tell me about Arthemise	Bouligny Baldwin.
Mamoo:	I wish I knew more	about her. I know	that	they	were	very
poor after the Civil War, you see.
The Bouligny family?
Mamoo:	The	Bouligny family and they were very poor, that's all I
Aliaei What was it Beverly asked?
What did she look like?
Mamoo:	She	was really a beautiful girl. She was supposed to be a
Creole	Belle.	And quite tall. She must	have been...
Alice:	I have	that picture, don't you	have that picture?
Mamoo:	Yes, I've showed	it	to her.
Alice:	She was supposed	to	be very lovely	and	perfectly	beautiful
skin more than anyting else.
Mamoo:	Well, I remember when she was an old lady. I remember
seeing her lovely complexion and her hair was always so beautifully coiffed. She had maids of course galore you know. She had white hair at that time and her eyes were sparkling black.
Alice:	They	were brown.
Mamoo:	Her	skin was lovely but she was fat. She was very fat.
Alice:	They were all fat. All th? Roulicjny wiwtwrm wwrm int., If
you put them in a (?) at the same time and it caught fire, you'd never have gotten them out alive.

Baldwin Conversation-020
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