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*remony Of Washington Bust:
.HlNUTON SQUARE, N. Y.? T2? bust of Booker T. Wash-Negio educator who wi? 10 the Hall of Fame 'or \meric^is on I he campus of [?ork urrvrrsity in the ten''b ^nniai election last year, w< ' ?d at the University On Thurs-lay 23 at 3 p. m-]? Davidson Washington, a augfiter of the pioneer in the iftji .of his race, and a student ?vaj/I university, unveil the thi presence of a dlstingulsh-jerihr in the Gould Memorial (?CD the campus at Univers-?fiu'e and 181*t street.
Work of Nerro Artist bust U the work of Richmond first Negro artist to be reprein the collection of portrait ?hlch line the colonnade of 11 of Fame. It is the gift of e* and Hampton Institutes, ten i( the ceremony were lib! Harry Woodbarn Chase, :kaon O&vls, usoclale direc-he Qeneral Education Board; Ipta P. Brldfinan. president pton Institute; and Or. FVed. P. f?tten?n, presldeot of ;? Initllaie. Or. Anrell pre-?^ ? (
hy Muynor, Jtoprano. and kege? choii furnished a jnus-gram for (he ceremonies
Uttiptob InstltuT*' ^CreVtttfe Group appeared as a proto the speaking program, ths loi the bust wer< placed tcher Hodges, Jr . Eileen Tal-and Elliott Zuckerman, Ru-Finley., and Stuart Johnson, her. J Wigrr.ore, 97 .year-ojd Vai Veteran, who contributed the fund for the erection at isu came from the Soldiers' in Wabhington, D. C? for the >nies.
:iguisl;ed guests attending the mies included:	?
p. Washington Pittman, eldest er of the Negro educator; ana Mrs. Charles H. Thomp-sward university; C. J. Royal; nt of the New YorkTuskegee Dr. Emmett) J. Scott, former ry to Mr. Washington; Jamer. itthews, president, Pbiladel-hap'er. "iSjskegee Alumni; ge A. MacDonald, Mrs Jesse Mr. jnj Mrs. M. H. Ayles-Mr. ?nd Mrs. Clement Bid. .?rmap E. Bear. Mrs. Gustav Harold O. Voorhif; s P. Dumpson, Dr. Maurice
VS.	O?DVtfifr,
Dr. Anson Phefjft Stokes, Dr. Chin* ni.i* Tobias, Senator Wllliarti"'i A-Wnghl, Dr. George H. Black, Mrt tdwi H. Blashfield;	,"^1
Mr:. Frank H. Holden, -Dn;Rob*t1 Underwood Johnson, Mrs.?1 Anrii George deMille, Miss .Bertha : J. Digfj, Francfs J Duffey, Trte H6n-ovaBle James A. Farley, John B. Kriser,
Basil O'Connor, Representative Wiliam A Rowan, C- C. Spaulding! Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Swope S:sfer Catherine Marie, James W Eichelbarger, and other celebratee* ?' Dr. Washington is the first Negri) to be enshrined among the Amerl* cen immortals in the Hall of Fame
A bronie plaque will be placeo below the bust in the Hall of F?m? hearing a quotation from an addresi which Washington delivered befor( the Southern Industrial Convention in Huntsville, Alabama on Columbus Day, 1899; " The \bl?hest test of t>5e civilization jk?fuas. ft it*. Willingness to extend a helping hand to the lfss. forturiaW.* ...
Bust of Booker T WMingWh f Jnveiling at V. V. U. Thursday
Booker Washington Bust to Be Unveiled
' Ia bronze bust of Booker T, i Washington, Negro educator wha jwas elected to the Hall of Fame tfor Great Americans on the cam-ipus of New York University In !the- tenth quinqulennial election last year, will be unveiled at the ^university on Thursday, May 23, Dr. James Rowland Angell, director, announced today.
The bust, the work of Richmond Barthe, first Negro artist to be represented In the Hall of Fame?s collection of portrait busts, Is the gift of Tu^jegee ' Institute and HamptohTTT&utute. ?fflPbust will be unveiled by Gloria Davidson Washington, a granddaughter of the plonker in the education of his race.
A bronze bust of Booker _T, ?Washington, *Jegro edufcator-who ?was elected tb the Hall of FjflMt for Great Americans on the cam* pus of New York University In the tenth quinquennial election last year, will be unveiled at the university Thursday at 3 p. m., Dr. James Rowland Angell, announced yesterday.	?>	1
Gloria Davidson WashlngtojCj granddaughter of the, eMM and a Howard Unikr-j sity, will unveil the bust In Th? Gould Memorial Library on the campus at University Aventas and 181st Street.
The bust Is the work of Richmond Barths, first Negro artist to be represented in the ftollection of portrait busts which line Uw colonnade of the Hall of Faine. It is the gift of Tuskegee Institute and Hampton fiTStTlllie. ??	??
Speakers will be Chancellor Harry Woodburn, Dr. Jack* son Davis, associate director of the General Education Board; Dr, Ralph P. Bridgman, president of Hampton Institute; and Dr. Fred? erick D. Patterson, president ot Tuskegee Institute. Dr. Angell will preside.
Dorothy Maynor, soprano, and the Tuskegee Choir will furnish t, musical program, and t^e Hampton Institute Creative Dance Group will appear as a prorogue to the speaking program.
Stephen J. Wijjmore, ninety-seven-year-old Civil War Veteran, < who contributed S50 to the Tund for the erection of the bust, will come from the Soldiers? Home in Washington for the ceremonies.
r'"'JrnNEWf5f^.w BRONX HOM
Cir.' Do 97.SCW-
-w r?lii
To Negro?s
J A bronw bust of BoolTer T.	tf^*pt>ttcao.?.n??^? __
/'ashington, Negro educator who >a. syroent at \\as elected to the Hall of Fame	tin veil the bU^t/nn
for Great Americans on the cam-	a	dfetlnjulsisii.
I>us of N.Y.U. in the tenth quin- inK ? ttv* (?ou'd iqujennial elertion last year, nill	-W.
be tmveiM at the . Uniwrstty	The bust is the <v6r8r.<*
Heights campws on ;Thursday rnonc^ Barthe, first Ni at 3 p m	trf ^ representecf
Gloria Darvidson SVashington, lj?n oS portrait beeW^*H ? granrid3ughlei ?f the pioneer	co'??rla^*'	?f ,
Fame. It the	gift ?!
Ta&tttu?A??nd Hampton I	jVof?We*	to Sp?Jt
SpeaKers at the cercmoi^r.ii4tj bp Chancellor Harry Wix*<buVil Cbjtv, Dr. Jack son JDsvis, ? nwi1 date directo*- a( the G?r?etall^I3dP ueafion Boart; F>r. Ra?jptf Bridgmaw, president <rl f?*i*ptaO tn?titute, ?wi Dr.' F>?terick iX Patfprson, pre*kler>t of T\jsk<4 ?;??
Wreaths lor Uie b*t*t will placed by JTeteh*r lfcdgrs, curator ?I Fo*ter HaB ?l University erf Pittsburgh; KtL**., TsJtterday *od: -?Uiott Zttekeb* man, wtanrrs c4
on the Hall of-TSiHe cohaTuctefll by the New Yorf Urtlversi17 Cftnic for the Social Adjustment ......?	of	the	Gifted;	Rutftenia Ftnley,
VV	iI- i Wt	P*	cn?	?

Barthe, Richmond Various-News-Articles-1946
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