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V a Research '	'p.
'.on.Don^fllL'. LJivco C^o_ Peoples Ga*. I	nj Coke ( .? ??
Telephone Co.: va. prof, r?dao*ojry Mayo C	I960 Mr r> ?
com NRC-Nai. Aod. Sen. Treaa. 5tK"'1nicrAm Ci.r./ic" Radiology; del. chan. VS. delegations 10 Internal Congresses Radiology. MentrraL 1 >62. Rome, I965. Tokyo. 1969. Madrid 197 J Grubbe gold m?Uoi Ch?x Mtd. Soc.. 1967. Served as comdr M.C LSNR. U orld W*j U. D?pk*naie Am. Bd. Radiolofy (mem. bd
1958-64). Fello* Ac?d Lnttfnm. Medici nr. mem A M A . Chgo . Ill cred. koci.. Inst. M?lcw of Chfa_ Societa Italiana di Radiologia Medica and Mcdxnna Nacicare (Hon mem ). Am Roentgen Ray Soc <pwi '.p. and chiTJL eiec. council, pro. 1962-63). Radiol. Soc N.Am.. Am CoiL R_?dsc*ofy (chmn. bd of chancellor*. 1957-60. prei. ! *60-61. gold mediioa 1>62)? Chgo. Roentgen Soc (past pres ). Am As?n Rv Surgeoc*. lnuT-.\m_ Coll. Radiology, Nipon Radiol. Soc f;cn ). Phi Chi. .Vp'ha Orr*et? Alph* Presbyn. Rourian Conibr a.-..cle* med jours. Honae 2251 Lincoln Park W Chicago IL 60614 Oice 6^0 N Mic??:f?a A* Oucafo IL 606 I I
BOTTH. EDNA SMITH fMRS. GEORCE FRANCIS BARTH), ec.ior pub co. eiec^ ^ Nlarbieh<?d. Masv. Mar. 13. 1914, d CVjrlson Lyman and Ehrabexb (Bateman) Smith. B.A ! Radcliffe Cod.. 1956. B.S.. Suzrnao? CoU_. 1937; m Julius weuj. 1938 (div Srpc 1966fc children?Elizabe-Ji fMrv Richard Pem). Peter J . Paul J n. 2d. George Fnncn Banh. Serf. 19. 1966 Br. librarian Jones LV-iry. AmhenL	1977*39-. cm. childrens librarian N.Y. Pub
L-rnry. 1939-U. uxt. Hi^sooro Onier Sch . N.H.. 1947-49. asso ecLior children's book* McGro^-Hill Book Co. N.Y.C.. 1961-63.
\ . Crowell Co. N Y C_ I963-?66: editor Loihrop Lee A Sr^Tard Co. NYC- ! W-M. echtorna-ch^f. 19**?; v ? \*,Honi Mcr-C'* Co . parent ?9"? ? Mm C*?kJrm x Bon? Council fbd dirv t"11 ? i Nat Orpx. -> o?ocn. Radcltfle Club NYC A .,mo? I'1
*	?xl -nc ucnj i*urr>cv r?umiKinv .?vj Cr^n."/ (.h^'is ('.("?lOfTT *r*d '1 >o?m	? -n N.^-dy. Vk So ire
?i ?	\ T't *;of) i 7i<f? Octrwvw 19*:	Hrwnc *' -1th .\v New
r VI c.r* NY :C?>?3 ZrScc ?>* M*divx? A * ,Nfw York Ciiy NY
BARTH, EILMER ERNEST. and cxble co exec . b Phila . May
1	5. I i2Z. i. Paul Adolpo and \aoa (XiHcr) B.. siudem Bentley Sch Acco^irenj. 1947-51; 3.B_A_ Nor.i>??iicm U.. 1956; m Ruth Brm^JCrect Slone, Sept 11. 1 94r. 1 daiu Rebecca Ord^ay Assl treas Ha'r* xsd Hcaiery Co.. IpT^Tci. Mm. 1945-56. operations mjr Cerro u" 4 Cable Co. Cxrro Corp. Nr* Haven. 1956?. sec., treav. drr Compuier De.db*nu. Idc, New Hjven. 1961?; trustee Ip^wicj Sa'-'v Bank. l9-'-^6 BJ. jovv, v>ce chmn finance com Childrrns Center. Haoxien. CootL, 1965-68. Served with USNR. l9?2-*5 Home: 3 Sandra Or 6onford CT 06405 Office 285 NkoI! St Sr. Haven CT 06510
BARTEL FRANK R, coli p^rv. h. Chyo.. Mar. 19. 1918; s. Frank Phillip i.-vi Es:ner (Pedrrvrn) A.B, LuiHct Coll.. 1940. LL.D. 1969; '?* B A NonhNkejicr^ L-. I9>?7; m. NUqooc V. Hove. Sept. 28, 19*0; chi<Crm?Eutene F. KaihrTU L_ Frxnk. P. H. Jam? A Prof . head dcrx. ccons Luther Cc*L_ !9-i?-53: pinner Baah A. Hayes. CP. A ?s. Orcorzh. la . 194*.M. Aexxnder Grant & Co.. Washing ton and Ch?o_ 1953 5V. finanr^J v.p. Pcrabooe Corp.. Oigo., 1959-69; pres Ves;rir Corp. Fi. ^ ^nh. 39-67-69; prcv Gustavui Adolphus Coll. Sc Prtcr. Minn., lvi-9?. tr^DcuJ cons. Post Office Dept ,
1953-55. V.-n Lake Fores; ?'IIL) B?? EAn. 1964-69. pres.. 1966-69. mem. Go's on Sijnev ?9*0 AJteniaie del Republican Nil Con* . :952 Bd dir. Mia a. P?.l Coll. Fund. Luth Ednl Conf N Am. bd. cirv. Sec Cer.i-iJ	Coll.	Assn.. sec. 1969-72,
chmn.. !>T ~3 Served ts Df'-cuxx LSNR. 1943-46 Named Ouuiandrr/ >oerf Min li. )9fL CP.A. HI. Mem Am Inst Accouplstis. Is. (chmn cc~ UJ?zcn 1950- 51. com. coop ^ith bankers 1 -?*! 5 2?. Ml (con ^a-.i n rrx) creditors 1965- 66). Minn socs C P -V ? Beu Arphi Ps:. \'.?m Njpp* FSi Lutheran Club Lake ForrM (b<L i:*v fras 1957-6.1	Pres?deni's	Home	Gusiavus
Adolphus Co.?e*e S; Peier ^fN
BARTH. JOHN C- distii:enr :o e\ec^ b. Louisville. Mjr 29. 1924, ? Paul C 2-"*i L;i!:im (Hm:en i B.. Mia/m L'.. Oxford. 0.. 1948, m Mary Hrr* Reed. June 8	cnuireo?Lir>da Sue. Gre^ Paul
With Jo?e?o E Seagrams A Socs. he. 1948?. vp adminstm., 1967?. Served ?vuh LSMCR. 19^2-^ Home: 5130 Bntiany Dr Sq St Pctersburj KL 33715 OfEce- J75 Park Av Nr* York City NY 10022
BARTH, JOHN SIMMONS, ambor. echaaator b Cambndge. Md.. May 27. 19iCr. s. John Jacob and Grorta (ScmnKm*) B . B A. Johns Hookms. 19?;. M A.. 1952. m. Hxmcsr Anne Smckbnd. Jan II. I9>0: childrcr>?Chnsune Anne, lobn Scrsckiafxl Danie< Stephen, m. Id. Shelly I Sose-rberj. Dec. 2~. !9"0 From tn*Lr. to asso prof Entltsb. ^a. StJif L . 1^53- 6*1. pro<. EspiiA Scale U. N.Y at Buffalo. 1965-73. pro*. crj'iiS als<* cirsuve ?minp Johm Hopktns U.. 1973? Rectp*er; N3i book a*-srd ui Sction. 1973. Author The F1o?tmf Ope^x 1956: The End c/ 'J>e Road. 1958; The Sot-Weed Factor. I960: C\e*j Goat-Bov. 1 r^>r. Lcsa in ihe Funhouse. 1968, Chimera. 19"2. Horr.r RD 1 May.-ilk N*Y 14757
. - ^ .oi I r?fui>k j;; ?
- ? 'J?l ) C<.n . 1934-43; prol.. i
? '?*>-54. provincial lupeuuf FtanT^?- v-.- ^hJ**est. 1954-60; pres. Institute Peda|oj!?ca lnicrn.?/i. u!c. Ki-me. l^SV67. founder, prof jrad sch cdn Cath L P.R . Ponte, i	Lummer.	PR. Council on Hijher Edn . 1968-73. North
Central and Middle Slates Assn. Colls and L'nivs. 1945-70 Mem Poncc Cuuens Com.. 1968-73 Fulbritht advi>er on higher edn. to Rep Philippines. 1951-52. Mem. Am Ednl Research Ann . N E A . Nat. Cath. Edn Aun.. Assn U. Profs.. Franciscan Ednl Conf K C Author: Fraocucan Education and Social Order. 1950, also articles Address G&ihotx Univ Ponce PR 00731
BARTH, RICHARD, corp counsel, b N Y.C . May 23. 1931. s Alexander Haddon and Georiina (Grant) B . prad. Hill Sch ; A B cum laude. W esleyan U . Middlelo?n. Conn . 1952; LL B . Columbia, 1955. student N.Y.U. Grad. Sch La*. 1959-62. m Mary Etiiabeth McAnaney. June 13. 1959. children ? Leanore. Jennifer. R?chard. Michele Admmed to N.Y. bar. 1958. NJ. bax. 1966. as^o firm Burke A Burke, 1957-65; gen counsel, sec. mem. mgmt. com CIBA. 1965-70; v.p_ |en. counsel, mem. mn| com. C1BA-GEIGY Corp..
1971	?; dir. R*d>o Shack Corp.. 1964-65. Mem substandard housing bd.. Summiu NJ.. 1968-70. S-erved with AUS. 1955-57. Mem Am . N.Y.. N.J. bar aiifa.. Phi Delia Phi, Psi Upsilon. Club Beacon Hill (Summit) Author amcle-s. Home- 431 Grace Church St Rye NY? 10580 Office- 4-U Saw Mill River Rd Aidsley NY 10502
BARTH. WILLIAM PHILLIP, former orgn. ciec . b Bismarck. Mo.. June 2. 1923; v PbiUip Henry and Elma (Kcathley) B . B S in Social Scu. Wjshmjion U.. St. Louis. 1950; m. Caroline Blunt. JuK 29. 1972 Cona. afiuJt cdn. Li Mich. 1956-59, mna rjitor mem editorial bd Jour Confbcr Resolution. 1^57-5^. tvec >? >. . #'S? l_ M'ch Center /o* Revrarcn on Conflc Rcviiutu ''	nvv<
?	hr IV6K-72.	prof iepi. jrth. J9*)?l-7|	Co-1* Mien Sijtc
?L.or^ry, ;?*??*--* jtw* icon Opportunity, i V6-?-6 V W orld In vi for V* ? -t Id Pc4\.c. 1	>-66; otc?. Ind. Ke>eirch e.ij Drvcl. Corp . 19*3 ?.
'?cc *rL'm? Research Co/p., 1963?. coordinator U. Mich. Tuskcjee ln?_ Program Race Relations Research. 1963?; mem orfaniunj corn., staff mem. Internal. Conf Social Psychol Rcscarch in Developmj Countries. 1966. mem. Ofgar.uioi com. Nat. Conf Race Relations Research. 1967. Served with USAAr'. 1943-46 CBI. Decorated Air modaJ ?ith oak leaf cluster Mem Soc Study Psychol, luucs. Internal. Studies Akin Mem founding com Jour Conflict Resolution. 1955-57. Address Boji 1713 East Lansing Ml 48823
BARTHA, DENNIS RICHARD, educator b Budapest. Hungar). Oct 2. 1908. s. Ricaa/d and Paula (Imling) B ; ed Budapest Acad Music. Ph.D in Musicology. U. Berlin (Germany). 1930. m Susanna Barta. Dec. 2. 1939. cmld/ers?Imre. Mana, Francis. Librarian music dept. Nat Museum. Budapest. 1930-42; privat. docent L? Budapest. 1935; extraordinary p-rof. music Budapest Acad Music, 193>-42, ordinary prof. music. 1942-71. chmn. depL musicology. 1951-69. W.A. Nielson vis. prof Smith Coll.. 1964; lectr. Harvard. Yale. Princeton. Cornell L'.. Columbia. Ann Arbor (Mich.) L'.. 1961, vis. prof Harvard, summe.-s 1 964-65. Cornell U . 1965-66; A Mellon vis prof. U. Pitts.. 1966-6?. permanent Mellon prof.. 1969 ?. Directonum mem. Internat MusicoL Soc.. 1961?. Recipient Dent medal. 1963 Mem Am. Musicol. Soc. (council 1969?) Author books on Liszt. Beethoven, Moian. Bach. Haydn, others Editor musicol. periodicals Zenei Siemlc. Zene:udom. Tanulmanyok. Studta Musicologica. others. Office- Music Dept Lmv of Pitts Pittsburgh PA I 52 I 3
BARTHE, RICHMOND, sculptor, Ray }' 1^1"*	lin
-1901. S Richmond and Marie Oementine (Roboteau) B ; student Art Inst Chgo.. 1924-28. pvt. study under Charles Schroeder, Di Fine Arts (hon.). St Francis Coll. 1947. M A. (hon ). Xavier L?. Ne? Orleans. 1934 Began ts painter, sculptor since 1928 L\hib?ied W?hitney Mus . Mus. Modem Art. V^et Mus . N ^ C . Century of Progress. Chgo. Dallas Mas.. Balt. Muv. Phila Mus. Bkljn Mus, Sculptors Guild Received S500 prxie. Anisu for Victor) Lxhbn . N Y.C . 1 942 Awarded Julius Rosenwald fellowships. 1931. 1932. Guggenheim fellowships, 1940, 4 1; recipient James J Hoey a? ard for Interracial Justice. 1945. ciurton and S1000 grant Am. Acad Arts and Letters and Nat. Soc Aru and Letters. Audubon Gold Medal of Honor. 1945. Di(^ bust of BoftkfT T W'atKinpirtn (ru H?11 r>f Punf. N.Y.U.: heroic figure ToiSiaint L'Ouverture. Haiti, figure of Gen DcssaTines. Haiti. Haitian coins, mem Nat. Sculpture Soc. Democrat Roman Catholic. Home: Cole Gate PO St Ann Jamaica British West Indies
BARTHEL CHRISTOPHER ERNEST. JR.. educator; b Gon tales.La.July 13. 1911: s. Christopher Ernest and Hazel Alosia (Babin) B.. B.S.. La State L?. 1932. M.S.. 1933; Ph D.. la State Coll . 1940. m Mable Katherine Bo^don. Mar. 30.	1934,
children?Christopher Ernest III. Juli? (Mrs Alex Williams Ranktn) Chmn. physics research Armour Research Found.. Chgo.. 1947-50. asst. dir. personnel. 1950-53; d?r State Indsl Research Inst.. Rangoon. Burma. 1953-54. dir.-gen Union of Burma Applied Research Inst..
1954-56. asst dir. Armour Research Found.. 1956-60: program dir internal sci NSF Washinpcm. 1961. chief scientist. assL dir. research and devel. U.S Coast and Geodrnc Survey. Rockville, Md . 1961-64. exec, dir Research Found. )Can.. Topeka. 1964-70; dep dir set and
>a; tquit) s. ?-'p . l	at	ci'f ? r..
Nat Corp.Grr N-= Ct'f? . Am Nat K:
Realtv Corp. Coun Rraity Co fa I Cc (W asningtonj. Armac En?erpn?e> (Chgo t Dept.. ALS. 1945-47 Mem N Y.. Am rz.
Nat Avsn Secuntirs Dealers (past 'ice Investment Bankers Asvn Am (exec. com.
Dealers Ohio (vec . treas 1956-72, prrs lc As\n . Yourj Pres O.'f": (pres 19?l|. Ct Ohio Jr. (trustee 195*-5S). Columbus A:r? outstanding >oung man of Columbus, l^t.
NevkCOmen Soc . Phi Delia Theta Ki?inn* C and Bond. Columbus A:nletic. Columbia.
Columbus). Cr>stal Do?-rs Country (Frin'kft''
Cambridge Blvd Coiumt'js OH J j2 2 I O.^ce .*
OH 432 1 5
BARTHELME. DONALD, author, m B-rp.
Anne Author Snow Whitr. (short stones) Ct>* Unspeakable Practices, Lnnaiural Acts. Ci:>
1972	Recipient NaL Book i^ard 1972. Nil 1 award. 1972 Guggenheir' feiio'*. 1966 ^le^;
P.E N Address carc Nf* Yoiier Magazine ??
City NY 10036
BARTHELME. DONALD, educator, architect Aug *. 1907. ? Fred and Vio A (Anderson) ?i 1924.26. B Arch.. U P. . I9_v>. m Helen children?Donald. Joan, Pr^t Frrdenc. Sieve-U Houston. 1946-)^. w:])r*m ''?'ard itkin '*?> ptoi L Pcnnsviv?nu iefi ^fch^leclufr .v ?
I _!jne 1962 p*oi L H*H***on,
'?I	Art. s-4t Gaiic/* Vrv ??nrn2
'?it/er|jnd.won pub nun>ftouj >rof1 mais ^ec.; v*h\ . 'iao Pau)o btenntai. 1?S*	Euc ma j.. ; >
mem Tex Soc Architects. T?u Sigma Ddit Roma:
II	Wynden Dr Houston TX 77027
BARTHOLDSON. JOHN ROBERT, consim co Sept 9, 1944. s. Nib and Judito (Kvvst) B . B S . P*
M BA . 1970; student Vil?nov? L? . 1 967-68 m Ct ?
Sept 7. 1968. 1 *on. John Ander* Research and O?
Elec Co.. Valley Forge. Pa.. 19^^*-69, treas Nurcv . Jacksonville. Fla . 1 970-72, trc*\ W ?rner Co . Phna Beta Gamma Sigma Home '?lerbrook La Mr Office 1721 Arch S< Philadelphia PA 19103
BARTHOLOMAY, ANTHONY FRANCIS. eJuci NY', Aug ll.l919.sJamevJcandGraceD (Arr Hamilton Coll . 1940 M A . Syrsoise L.. 1942. SD.r m Pnscilla Millicent Lpham.Jan.3. 1944. children? A.
L . James A . Andrea F. Instr. rr.aLh Syracuse L.. l94->-1942-45. asst. prof.. chmn. dept*, maths, and prjsirv 1945-46, instr. math Rensselaer Poly Inst . 1946-4* Rutgers U.. 1947-51; Lab Electr:-1951-52; mathematician Lincoln Lab. Mass Inst 7 r: staff Biophysics Research Lab. Pcver Bent Bngham K -Med. Sch.. Boston. 1954-62. asso medicine. ! 95? math biology. 1960-67. dir di<- math biology and S 1962-67. prof. asst, prof math bio?ofv dep: bicnur.-s'L Sch Pub Health 1957-60. bioma'h N C State L . Sch v>? Pub Health U N C.. 1967-69. prof chmn dept ma:h rr: Coll Ohio.Toledo. I969-?T2 prof ?at^. medicine Dept C Medicine Rutgers Med. Sch . NT? ?. md	.
Hughes Med Inst. 1957-67. dir research and tng N1H. 1962-67. mem Pres Adv Bd B'onietnc 5*? I- ? in field Mem A Math Soc . A?:	Avsn	.	Sck
Applied Math. Soc Gen Svster^ r<r.e?'ch Biometn; Inst. Biol Scis . A A A S . Assn Am Med Co'is Am r Assn. Math Assn Am. NY Acad Sc:. S? V.* (founder, dif ). Ohio Pub Health -Vis?* Mrg edito' r Biolog) Asso editor Computers m Stecf'cine kid Biolpf? Jour (jen Systems. Contbr article-s p'o^ jours, books. Barile Rd Somerset NJ 08873
BARTHOLOMAY, WILLIAM CONRAD, ms co c?r: club ofcl.. b. Evanston, III . Aug 11. I 928. s Henry C ar (Graves) B. student Oberlin Coll. 19-16-49. North* 1949-50. B A. Lake Forest Coll. 19^0- m Ga.l D:!ime. 25lh. 1968. 1 dau . Karen, children (by previous mamagfV-W'jHum T. Jamie. Eliiabeth. Sara Asvo ?-ith Barthi Clarkson. Chgo . 1 950- 57; partner BanSoksmay Brn? C"ht< v p Bartholomay A Clarkson di* Aie\ander &l Alexin pres, dir Frank B Hall A Co.. Inc. also Pfri ? dtf Bartholomay div . v.p.. dir Atlanta LaSaile Corp. pre Chiefs soccer team. Stadium Club. Bra'csProdns Inc.S^r former!) pres Atlanta Braves. Inc . now chmn.. chief exec < Eastman A Beaudinc. Inc_ Seeburg Corp_ Parker A Co 1 Lnited Republican Citizens League III.. 1961 Bd d Maternny Center, Atlanta Boys Club: trusiee Lake Fo Oglethorpe Coll.. bd. go** Sarah Siddors Soc . chmn Tb Sea! Assn Ga . 1968. sch savs prognm L S Savj Bond C Served with LSNR. 1951-54. Mem Yourg Repmbltcin C
1959-61. chmn bd 1961. treas |96i> DeltJ kapp.

Barthe, Richmond Who's-Who
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Hancock County Historical Society
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