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October 3, 1977
Hancock County Historical Society Norton Haas, President 128 Court Street Bay St. Louis, MS 39520
To Whom it Hay Concern:
The Mississippi Park Commission has asked me to determine the feasibility of establishing	a State park	in or near Jones	County, Mississippi. In all
probability	the	park will be	located adjacent	to a body of water. Because of
the historical significance of this area of the State in the turn-of-the-century lumber industry, a primary task of the project includes examining the possibility of developing the park along a theme depicting the State's early lumber industry.
No decision has been made as to the direction the theme park will take. There are obviously, a number of alternatives. A few which have been suggested i nclude:
1.	a replica logging camp in which life styles of the period are depicted;
2.	a museum with replicas and actual equipment and products of the period;
3.	an	interpretive	center depicting	the growth and development
of	the lumber and pulp and paper	industry from the 1890s to
the present;
**. an interpretive trail indicating tree species and their
commercial use; perhaps a logging bridge spanning a small creek; an operational fire tower, locomotive and railroad cars, and other equipment and features of interest.
In addition to the historical theme, consideration is also being given to the feasibility of providing a lodge complex which might possibly include a restuarant, guest rooms, other vendor services, and a convention center.
Again, this is a study to determine just what is desired and economically feasible in the way of a State park located in the Jones County area. It is not a commitment by the legislature to build any particular facilities or even to establish a State park. The eventual decisions will depend largely upon how

Bartram Letter-from-USM-1977-pg.1
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