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Sc ?I am confident that Uncle I lermann is looking down this morning with pride as he watches his nephew, Lieutenant Commander John William Baxter, Jr., flying iflf'. his Navy DC-VB over Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Rumania, Turkey, and !*?,?'; on to Saudi Arabia hauling support equipment and personnel in the Persian Gulf War. Bill is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Baxter, I lennann's brother, who are ? ? | present with us (Ins morning.
?The family gratefully expresses its appreciation lor this continuing memorial to its 'te';?dcar departed one. Got! love you and may He preserv e and protect all of our brave i*?w>men and women serving our great nation in these troubled limes.?
Chancellor turners response and in i roihki ion or DR. Jim Shankle:
!^v'i?Thank you, John. We share your family?s pride not onlx in your participation
1 today but also in your achievements at Ole Miss. I-Yom looking at the Baxter family , 1 realize that there arc a lot of prospective voting Baxters out there. We?ll i sec what we can do about getting more of them ro follow :n vour footsteps ; the University.
rnay have noticed in your program copy that Baxter Mall was originally cted at a cost of less than $130,000 and that the cost of renovating the was approximately SI.2 million. I don?t think we could have a more vivid of the inflation that has occurred in our country since the late 1940s.
e very grateful for the sturdy construction of these dormitories?Lester,
, Sam, and Baxter. Three of the four have recently been renovated. When arc available, Lester will be renovated for the Teleproductions Research Center; Gerard and Sam now house Publications and the University Printing
Services. We arc excited that Baxter is the home for what our next speaker calls ?the electronic superhighway of the future lor Ole Miss.? To tell us about Baxter Hall as the home lor telecommunications at the University is an individual who has a special talent for attracting to the Universitv significant gifts ol high-tech equipment?Dr. Jimmy Karl Shankle, associate vice chancellor for computing and information systems. Dr. Shankle.?
?Five years ago we at Ole Miss set a goal of developing a world class computing facility to provide and deliver, through telecommunications, computing support for higher education and industry m Mississippi. A world class facility requires machines of course, but most of all, world class people, including all levels of telecommunications and computing staff, researchers, and students, and if the staff is to be retained, appropriate building facilities.
?Since this effort began, this has grown into one of the
?6rJ Jimmy Earl Shankle, jjAtotiate Vicc Chancellor refor Computing ami Infor-V^?mation Scicncc, makes his
obtained and is now operating more different tvpes of high performance supercomputers than any other university in the world. T his has been accomplished by the computing and telecommunications staff with resources which other universities would consider woefully inadequate. The telephone facility in this building is one example of the computing and telecommunications staff overcoming all obstacles and obtaining quality equipment regardless of budget inadequacies. Willi a budget inadequate for the purchase of the latest switching*-; technology, an older switch was purchased and then upgraded, or rebuilt, to ?]/ become the latest state-of-the-art hardware available on the market today. The renovation of Baxter I lall is a major milestone in the I Iniversitv?s development d_. leading world class facility. Governor Winter once U'-ed the phrase in a talk,
?halfway home and a long way to go.? That phrase i-- applicable to this occasion.'we?
still do have a long way to go. With the Baxter facility, however, wc are now?oVef'f'
"	4.-.
? i1 *
halfway home.
?It is a special honor that Ole Miss selected Baxter I lall to support the computing^ and telecommunications	effort	of the	University.	We	arc especially pleased to have'',
a building which	was	named	after one from	Ole Miss	who gave his life in a another;
war which was fought to ensure that we could have a I Iniversity and a country sucH as we now have. Wc arc very happy and honored to have Baxter I lall and we promise you of the Baxter family and you Chancellor, that you will be able, in tHcf^ future, to look back and be proud of the accomplishments of Ole Miss made possible with this building facility.?
Chancellor ;4; Turner?s response
? I hank you, Jim. It?s obvious that Baxter Hall ? ' will be playing a big role in the future of the University ? as il serves as part of our telecommunications network. Wc appreciate your sharing with us some of the goals that arc being . n ,,, , .	r	accomplished	through thi'
Lionel I*, Baxter and nustcr Dark, Associate Director lor ,	..	?	a-
Communications, cut the ribbon to formally redcdicatc Baxter I lall building which has been, as Joseph Clay Baxter, Jr., John William Baxter, and Chancellor R. modernized in both ?
Gerald Turner look on.	appcarancc	and function^
?Knowing of Hermann Baxter's desire to serve his fellow students as student body ! president, and of his willingness to make the supreme sacrifice for his country in World War II, I believe Hermann Baxter would be very proud to have a facility that looks to the future?that houses the lifeblood of research and instruction at tH University?bear his name. It is, therefore, my privilege to declare formally on behalf of The University of Mississinni rlmt- t-1-iic l-miMlnn-	i-i?n	*

Baxter, Lionel Lionel-Baxter-007
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