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1	Texas secedes from the Union.
4	The seceded states open a convention in Montgomery,
Alabama, to organize a new government.
8	The Constitution for a provisional Confederate government is adopted at Montgomery.
9	Jefferson Davis and Alexander H. Stephens are elected provisional Confederate President and Vice President.
15	The Montgomery convention, acting as the provisional
Confederate Congress, passes a resolution to take Fort Sumter and Fort Picken, Florida, by force if necessary.
18	Jefferson Davis is inaugurated at Montgomery as
provisional President of the Confederacy.
March 1861
4	Apraham Lincoln is inaugurated.
6	The Confederacy calls for 100,000 volunteers.
A^pril 1861
4	Lincoln orders a relief expedition to Fort	Sumter.
12	Confederates open fire on Fort Sumter.
13	Fort Sumter surrenders.
15	Lincoln calls for 75,000 volunteers.
17	The Virginia convention votes an ordinance of	secession.
18	Robert E. Lee is offered command of the	Federal	armies.
83- ft

Baxter, Marion Francis Marion-Francis-Baxter-Bio.-091
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