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Documents Covering Impeachment of Bienville 19
from them, he said ?No,? that he has seen only two who had just taken back Mr. Bergier, a missionary, and that while returning they killed some deer whose skins they brought; that that is for them and that that may amount perhaps to thirty piastres for each of these two men.
Questioned whether it is not true that Sieur de Bienville had an Alabama prisoner burnt with slow fire at the gate of the fort, he said ?No.?
Questioned whether he is pleased with the government of (p. 266) Sieur de Bienville and whether he knows nothing against his conduct or his person he said ?No? and that he has only good to say of him.
Questioned whether he saw that Sieur de Bienville disposed of the goods of the King that were in the warehouses and whether some were not delivered to him, the deponent, without Sieur de La Salle having had knowledge of it, for how much and what quantity, he said ?No.?
Questioned	whether it is	not	true that	Sieur de Bienville
sold or caused to be sold the wine	that he sent for for his own
use.21 at what price by whom and how much, he said that knows nothing about it.
Questioned whether he has knowledge that the King sends wine for the sick, he said ?Yes.?
Questioned	whether it is	not	true that	Sieur de Bienville
drinks the wine	of the sick and	causes it to be	drunk and sold, he
said that he knows nothing about it and that he does not believe it at all. (p. 267).
Questioned whether he knows the	man named Humery and
what sort of man he is, he said ?Yes?	and that he was a ware-
Questioned whether he does not have ground to complain of this man, he said ?No.? j	Questioned	whether it is not true that the Canadians sold at
|	an exhorbitant price goods that were delivered to them from the
warehouses at a moderate price, he said	that he has no knowledge
!	of it at all.
Questioned whether he, the deponent, has not bought some from them, of what sort and for how much, he said ?No.?
Questioned whether it is not true that they have even sold them back to the King at an increase of four hundred per cent above the price at which they had been delivered to them, he said that he has no knowledge of it at all.
!	Questioned whether it is not true that goods have been
I	landed from the King?s vessel L?Aigle for the account of Mr. De
'??The French of this phrase is Le Vin qu?il a fait venir pour sa provision.

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