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For and In consideration''of the summand amount of TWO
THOUSAND, ONii HUNDRED ($2,100.00) DOLLARS, cash in hand paid,
the receipt of which 1b hereby acknowledged, we, JAMES M, HUDSON
and MRS, JAMES M. HUDSON, do hereby convey and warrant unto
HARRY R. CABRAL, JR. the followins deaoribed property situated
in Hancock County, Mississippi, and more particularly described
ac follows, to-w3t:
Beginning at u post on the east aide of Smythe Street; thence running on a course South thirty-nine decrees east flvo (5) chains and fifty (50) iinks, three hundred and sl:;ty-three feet* thence running north fifty-one (51) decrees east seven (7) chains end thirty-six (36) links four hundred and eighty-five 9/12 feet; thence running on 0 course south thirty-one (31) degrees east to Pearl River; thence the meandering of Pearl River to the East Dank to whence the salfi Smythe Street comes to said River; thcnce North forty-one (4l) degrees East along said street to the place of beginning} containing ten (10) acres more .or lean, it being a portion of the original Ambrose Gaines tract all in the County of Hancock, State of Mississippi, and in Section eighteen (18), Township eight (8) South,
Range Sixteen (16) West.
Being the identical property conveyed Arthur S. Homan to James M. Hudson by deed dated January 19th, 1950.
All of Block 1, of the Town of Ooinsville, as per map v or plat of said town of record in the office of the Chaqcery Clerk of H ncock County, Mississippi.	?
Together with all and singular the rights, privileges, improvements and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining.
Vendors reserve one-haIf (1/2) of the mineral rights herein conveyed 'M; t of &.niu yro'serty is .hereto attuohed.
.	'M;	t	of	&.niu	yro?sorty	is
WITNESS my signature, this the
day of February, A,. D.
Personally appeared before us, the undersigned authority in and for the aforesaid State and PArish, JAMES M. HUDSON and MRS. JAMES M. HUDSON, who acknowledged that he signed and delivered the foregoing instrumentiof writing on the day, <md. year therein mentioned.	If
?GIVEN under my hand and Beaj/of of February, A. D. 1953.

Cabral, Emory (Rouchon) Cabral-007
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