This text was obtained via automated optical character recognition.
It has not been edited and may therefore contain several errors.

~7" ....... (New) Co. F,
''|3 Regiment Mississippi Infantry.*
Company Muster Boll
Suiwtiim named ulxjve,
......., 186^.
...cSL /*,__________18 d/..
i*S, i3S>	S&:	*##;.;	:?
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Company Muster Boll t
^organization named above, called into tho service of the State of Mississippi,
{a?&af.., 186 .
, time
{f'-C&Z'<4- rc^t- ? / , 186
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or absent ........
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p?ny ??? inn<???iT?ly	?a	Caplain
u/,Capuin Toulme?a Compaoj, (01J) Company |-Co?p?Bjr F, 3d Regiment Mississippi Infanir/.
ir,. , v; ? '
com pan/ was successively designated &s Caplsin l-OoBipaiij, Captaia Toulme?i Companj, (Old) Company
g- M Rcrimftnt Mtfffwippi
uoopj (made In the M~ S. Ofllce. War DepanmecL, ia ?> of aa original record borrowed from the Dtrecu>r sand Histor?, Jackson. His*.?M. a. 908010.
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Carco 006
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Hancock County Historical Society
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