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Henry Buckley Chapman-------------1[i^li I ipht;:? of life an<l career.
Feb. 1}. 1093	l?oru in N*<)rlrvnin, l;i., I.o Caroline Buckley West and
W.i.1.1.Lam ,Jcnu-|>li Chapman.
(<>n this date, I,ho first o.Lncl.rj.c street. car:? were put on the track.-. at. 31,. Charles arid Napoleon Aves. )
Aug. 31, 1G90	Family movnrl to Bay 3b. louis, Mo.
1906-1909	Member of Pay-Wavoland Tacht Club (clubhouse dostroyed in hurri-
cane of 1909)
June 1909	Graduated from Day High Schoo.l (Valedictorian).
Nov. 1909	Started work at United Hardware Co. at ?3*50 per week.
Boarded at Aunt Nettie Barringer1s, ?1.50 per week.
1911	Moved to Baton Rouge, I,a. Worked for Fuqua Hardware Co., at a
salary of 60.00 per month.
19Ui	Started work for Gibbons, Finney & Gordon, a3 traveling salesman
in S. W. La., at $7!>.00 per month, plus traveling expenses,
Sept. 2$, 1917	Enlisted U. S. Infantry, Jackson Barracks, La.
Oct. 1,	1917	Frivate, Co. II, U. S. Infantry,	Chickarauga Park, Ga?
Doc. 18,	1917	Aviation Section Signal Corps.,	Kelly	Field, Tex.
March 9> 1910	Cadet I Hot, School Military Aviation, U? of Tex., Austin, Tex.
Fay 21, 1918	Camp Dick, Dallas, Tex.
Kay 31, 1910	Rockwell Field, San Diego, Calif.
June 3j	1910	First flight instruction.
June 7,	1910	First solo flight.
June	13, 1910	Transferred to March Field, Riverside, Calif?
Oct.	5>j 1910	Commissioned 2nd Lb., Reserve Military Aviator,	A.	S. A. Classi-
fied Pursuit Pilot, &? assigned as Flying Instructor, March.Field.
Dec. 22-25	Trip from March Field to Sacramento, via Lancaster, Bakersfield,
Modesto and return, mapping aerial mail route.
Feb.	U, 1919	Discharged at March Field, and returned home by	rail?
Feb.	25, 1919	Employed a3 automobile salesman, $75>?00 per month.

Chapman, Henry B. Chapman-003
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