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was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, on November 13, 1855. After coming to Gonzales, Texas, he studied law in Judge William S. Fly's"' office, was elected district attorney of the Twenty-fourth Judicial District, and served as a member of the Senate of the Twenty-sixth, Twenty-seventh, and Twenty-eighth Legislatures. Davidson married Minnie B. McClanahan in 1889 or 1890. He died at Cucro on February 4, 1920.
Bibliography:	Senate Journal, 36th Legislature,
Third Call Scssujn (1919): Letter from Sam C. Lackey to Mrs. John Lee Smith, March 31, 1945 (Texas State Archives).
Davidson, Charles E. Charles E. Davidson was born on July 10, 1856, in Nicholas County, Kentucky, but spent his childhood on a farm in Iowa. After attending Cornell University and the University of Iowa, he received his law degree in 1882 from the Hasting School of Law, San Francisco, and went to work for a San Francisco law firm which dealt in Texas lands and land script. His first case yielded him a fee of twenty-five sections of land in West Texas. Davidson moved to Texas immediately and, with his brother, Glen, opened a land and law office in San Angelo in 1883. The young lawyer and surveyor soon branched out into the cattlc business and, in 1891, moved to Ozona, Texas. That section of the state was then a part of Bexar County, but under Davidson?s leadership the separate county of Crockett was organized. He was elected the first county judge and county school superintendent on July 7, 1891 His tenure as county judge is probably unparalleled in the United States; during his fifty-one years on the bench he never sought re-election.
In 1893 Judge Davidson married Dixie Friend; they reared seven children. He successfully combined a career of county judge with that of lawyer, rancher, surveyor, educator, publisher, businessman, and philosopher. His long service in behalf of his community earned him the title of ?Godfather of Crockett County.? Davidson died at his ranch home near Ozona on July 25, 1944.
Gene Ilollon
Davidson, James. James Davidson, adjutant general of Texas from June 24, 1870, to November 15, 1872, was appointed major general of the state police?' by Governor E. J. Davis,,v on March 15, 1871. Davidson absconded to Belgium in 1872 with $37,434.67 of the state funds.
Bibliography: Norman G. Kittrell, Gor>ernors Who Have Been and Other Public Men of Texas (1921): Frank Brown, Annals of Travis County and the City of Austin (MS., Archives Collection, University of Texas Library).
Davidson, Robert Vance. Robert Vance Davidson, son of Allen Turner and Elizabeth (Howell) Davidson, was born at Murphv, North Carolina, on July 23, 1853. He studied law in Asheville, North Carolina, and was admitted to the bar before he came to Texas in 1874. He settled in Galveston, where he was elected city attorney in 1879 and where he served for fourteen years on the city school board. He was one of the authors of the city charter granted to Galveston after the storm of 1900. He served as state senator in 1902 and 1903 and as attorney general from 1904 until 1910, during which time he handled the Waters-Piercc Case.?"'' In January, 1911, he went into private practice in Dallas.
Davidson and his wife, the former Laura Harrison Jack, were the parents of four children. He died in Dallas on July 3, 1925.
Bibliography: F. W. Johnson (E. C. HarUr E. W. Winkler, eds.), Texas and Texans, 111 (r Texas Law Review (October, 1926).
Davidson, Samuel. Samuel Davidson, nr,. Stephen F. Austin?s Old Three Hundred color.: received title to a sitio of land in present K: County on July 21, 1S24. A man named S.i-: Davidson served in James Gillespie's compair. the Mexican War, but it is doubtful that he was-. original colonist.
Bibliography: Lester G. Bugbee "The Old T- -Hundred,? Quarterly of the Texas State Historical '? soeiation, I (1897-1898).
Davidson, William Francis H. WilU Francis H. Davidson was born in Tennessee in iS.; On January 14, 1336, at Nacogdoches, he cnl:--in the Texas Army. Dr. Davidson was surgeon the 1st Regiment of Volunteers under John ' Whartonand was with the group detailed ; Sam Houston to remain at Harrisburg to guard r baggage and attend the sick. Davidson?s appol: ? ment as a surgeon in the Texas Army was tu-firmed by the Senate of the First Congress ? May 22, 1837.
Bibliography : S. H. Dixon and L. \V. K, : Heroes of San Jacinto (1932); E. \V. Winkler (? . Secret Journals of the Senate of the Republic of Tc:
Davidson, William Lewis. William I.r.v Davidson, son of Asbury and Mary (Fly) Dav:: son, was born in Grenada, Mississippi, on Nim? ber 5, 1845. Brought to Texas by his family in in-lie attended Gonzales College and Stonewall In-: tutc."'1' During the Civil War be served in Co-: pany B, 32nd Regiment, Texas Cavalry. Return:- . to Texas, he studied law and was admitted to t! ? bar in 1871 and practiced at Gonzales until I-moved to Georgetown in January, 18S7. Appointi : assistant attorney general of Texas by Goverr.' Lawrence S. Ross,??, he served from 1887 to 1$.: when he was appointed to the Court of Civil A: peals by Governor James Stephen Hogg.? Davi i son was re-elected to that position from 1S9: ! 1920. He suffered a stroke of apoplexy while filing and drowned at Austin on January 25, 1921. !!? was interred in the State Cemetery.?|T Judge I1-vidson was survived by his wife and seven childrir
Bibliography: John Henry Brown, Indian Wars c Pioneers of Texas (189?); Austin American, January and 27, 1921.
Davidson Canyon Creek. Davidson Canyor Creek, an intermittent stream, rises in eastc:; Dickens County and flows south about six mill-to join the South Wichita River.
Davidson Creek. At least two Texas strennv are known as Davidson Creek. Arranged in alpl'=-* ? betical order according to the counties in which they head, they are;
(1)	Davidson Creek, rising in southeastern lam County and flowing southeast about fort:-miles through Burleson County to its conflucnu with Yegua Creek at the county line betwee' Burleson and Washington counties.
(2)	Davidson Creek, an intermittent stream rising at the breaks of the Llano Estacado in southeastern Crosby County and flowing southeri-: eleven miles to join the Blanco (White) River.
Davie, W. R. W. R. Davie was a Texas st-llc tax commissioner under Governor S. W. T. Lan-ham ,Y and served as secretary of state under Governor Thomas M. Campbell ,T from February >? 1908, until January, igog.
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Davis, Jefferson Jefferson-Davis-017
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