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Purauant to an order fro* the principal Deputy Surveyor of the Land District Eaat of tK% Island of New Orlaana, and In conforalty with a Certificate #143 fro* the ?oi#leslonersv appointed under authority of tha Act of Congreaa of April 25, 1812, and recognized by a subsequent Act approved March 3, 1619, I have aurveyed a tract of land claimed by Louis Faalar situated on the aeashore In the State of Mlaeleelppl, being aectlon No. 26 In Townahlp Mo. 7 of Range No. 9 Vest of the basic meridian and South of the 31at degree of lafcltutde and bounded aa following, vie:	Beginning	at the Southweat corner
of fractional Section No. 33 and run thence Eaat-^3.50,chalna to a pine marked LFXIII, the concluded line betveeo claimant and Angellque Faalar;.thence North 2 30" Veat 80.06 chalna to a past whence a pine beara North 78 Z 18 llnka and a pine bears S 14 E 22 llnka; thence South*80 chalna to the aeaahore cornered on a White Bay, marked Lf1(\ll; thence Eaat 59.99 chains to the place of beginning, e&Aalnlng 640.01 acres and having such shape, fora and aarka natural and artificial as are represented In the above plat and deacrlptlon. The 10th day of January 1824.
* Thomas Bilbo,
Examined and approved	i.	Deputy	Surveyor
(signed) William frrown Principal Deputy Surveyor
Louis Faslar (Fayard) Grant - Confirmation of and Survey ef the Crant #143, confirmed April 25, 1812, re-confirmed March 3, l1819.	?
It is clear, then, that Louis'and Martha had all their children and
reared them on the Mississippi Gulf coaat. (The original grant to Louie le^r;^
the Spanish Archives In Seville, Spain.) This family numbered six known children: .^
: * ? ^ Pierre (called Louis in many documents), Judith, Jacques, Alexia, Uraln and Jean '?*?
Baptiste. Louis, Sr.( must have made his living catching aeefood, growing c
and trapping. Though several families
of any kind was in existence. Louis.
\ ? s ?7/ j-r. ?	?	????*?	ic?
Ladner, daughter of Jacques Mathurln Ladner .and Anna Berda <>?. Horn Island*/-They*
il the
The continuation of the line ia vith Alexis Fayard. Alexia was born aod- $
??	..	-	.	-	-	V'-#	M
ared in Biloxi. It la	interesting	to note that	tha	allaa "LeUocette'* waa atlll
. ...	_ ..................................... . . . ? *>.* *>-1 ,
being used. The boy vaa	baptized In	New Orleans,	so	tvould s^en^la all -t,
lea were living in the area* no large buelneee $x-u' A ?'* :."v U.	+?	.&?
i* brother. Jean Baptiate, had aarrled Angellque xr
, -r r^r'.fVA* a*
too, had a grant near that of Louie on tha Gulf Copet.,.
probability Che whole faally got Into ??llln* b??t? tO ??k.! the trlj. to lUw OrlMM^
via Lake and Bayoul St. John.*
*	.(,??>. <? a.	eM y*
' -fM

Fayard 006
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