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U	1
Power boat arl F. 50 ft. long, 20 tone, equipped with 40-45 h.g. heavy-duty Buffalo engine
Power boat Good Brothers, 38 ft. long, equipped with 15 h.i . Fisherman engine Schooner Cheste;- gross tons 23-60, with sails; length 69 ft., breadth 19th ft. 7 in..depth 4 ft. 7in.
Schooner Lexington gross tons	23-60,	with	sails	length	69	ft.,	breadth
19	ft.	7	in., depth 4 ft. 7 in.,	j
Schooner i.iiona, gross tons 23-6C; with saiis; length 69 ft., breadth 19 ft. 7 in., depth 4 ft. 7 in.
Schooner ?lara Beatrice, gross tons ?5, with sales length 56 ft., breadth
20	ft., deith 4 ft.
Schooner Althea, gross tons ?5-69, with	sai.s;	length	55 ft.,	breadth
19 ft. 9	in,, derth 4 ft.
Schooner	fixen, gross tons 19-61, with saifes; length	49 ft.	9 in.,	beeadth	17 ft. 3	in.,
depth 4 ft. 1 in.
Schooner Bella ^reole,	gross	tons	19-18,	with	sails	length	49	ft.	6	in.,
broadth	17	ft. 9 in., depth 4 ft. 1	in.
Schooner uover, gross tens 14, with sails; length 45 ft., breadth 16-8/l0 ft. , aer-th 2-S^lO ft.
Scnooner Carles Feahney, gross tons 23-88 with sails; longih 49 ft. 7 in breadth 20 ft., depth 4 ft. 1 in.
Schooner i.iissouri Stiglets, gross tons 20, with sai^, len.-'.-th 49 ft., breadth	18	ft., depth	4 ft. 1 in.
Schooner	Chresco, gross tons	18-62,	with	sails;	length 48	ft. 3	in. ,
breadth	17	ft. 2 in.,	depth 3 ft. 7	in.	*
It being	the ntention	of the	grantor	herein	to	envey the	same land add
improverrents and personaliproperty which was acquired by him on th? 4th day of November A.I). 1920, from the Peerless: Oyster Comnany, Ltd., and which deed has not as yet been placed or record. To be recorded.
It being the intention of the grantor to convey all pro*erty, real and personal acquired by hin as hereinabove set forth, except merchandise, suoh as cans, cases solder, labels, and canned goods, which is not induced tn this sale. 1
Grantor reserves tho right of possession of tnid property until January
1,	1921, said property being now insured for tho benefit of the grantee herein with the right in the grantee to infixease to increase theamount of said insurance to any amotint that grantee desires, and in case of loes of said rrorerty herein c nveyed through -iny cause whatever, tho loos to be borne by grantee.
Witness my signature this 8 day of November, A.D. 1920
Geo. J.Firschin/;
State of Mississinpi......
County of Hancock..........
City of Bay at.Louis.........
Beat No. 5.
Personally appeared before me , the undersigned authority, in and for the aforesaid State County and Beat, the above nam ed George C.Firsching, who acknowledged
wwofl ti.* forego ins instrument on the day and year

Firsching 048
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Hancock County Historical Society
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