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The Historian of July 2009 - Hancock County Historical Society
portance as a meeting place had not been limited to black Methodists. During the civil rights movement, Gulfside served as an important meeting place as well for others. Hollis Watkins, Civil rights activist of Jackson, said "there were only three places where blacks could meet in Mississippi during the movement? Toogaloo College, Rust College and Gulfside ?
With the declining interest in Gulfside and the destruction of Hurricane Camille in 1969, discussions ensued about its possible sale and dividing the proceeds among a number of black colleges. However, under renewed efforts of Bishops Stokes and Dixon and laymen Wayne Cal-bert and Henry Harper, Gulfside was saved from dissolution. New facilities were built and older and/ or damaged facilities were renovated. Included in the new construction were cottages for adults known as Dixon Village.
As with so much else in the area. Hurricane Katrina completely destroyed Gulfside in August of 2005. In spite of the overwhelming loss, Gulfside remains a valuable part of the Coast community. Hosting and partnering with
both the Mississippi Conference Disaster Relief and Community Aid Relief Effort (CARE), this treasured landmark set about serving the needs of the community with work teams branching out helping to rebuild the area.
Rebuilding is also occurring at Gulfside, and the vision is to restore this historic site through a major fundraising effort currently underway. Gulf-side has elected to meet this challenge with the same sort of spirit and determination it has met other challenges in its long, rich history. Fittingly, this Hancock County landmark?s motto is ?We have the unmitigated gall to believe Gulfside is the Mecca on the Gulf!
Breaux, Raymond R. ?The Isle of Gulfside.? New Orleans Tribune, May 1991, 18?19. "Gulfside United Methodist Assembly.? Wikipedia, 01 July 2009 08 Jan. 2009 Chttp:// wiki/ Gulf
side____United_____M eth-
Scharff, Robert S. Louisiana?s Loss, Mississippi's Gain. Law renceville, VA:	Brunswick
Publishing Corp., 1999.
Stockstill, Eugene. "Facing Freedom." Sim Herald, 21 Feb. 1998, Dl, 4.
Bay Sam Uxiis: Ctlt&ratwtg it* First 300 Ytars By the HCHS ($15.00)
A nostalgic keepsake of the city?s history inckid-mg desertions and picrtvues of m*y ofth* historic buildings and houses especially tkise akng Beach Boulevard jsiot'to Kiirma
Htritagt Gxbhock By the HCHS ($15.00)
A collectEnof our members? favoti* family recces
By Pail La Viofette ($20 00)
An mtnguing anthobgy of tales of a tomes* living in a beach house on the Gulf Coast
Katrina Gookhcok By Char let Russell ($1995)
A collect cel of recces by Bayou Tours
Mississippi's	j	Laid
fTen^aanlyo'l of stock)
By Marco Giardaio, PH.D., and Russell Guam ($10.95)
The story of the Koch fanufy, early settlers of Hancock County,-aid their experiences <hnngthe Civil Wir, based on their letters
Ont ?bg Tva Cbgi Ihm Dogs, Fcur... ByPaulLa Vioktte($2O0O)
Twice told tales of se?ral dogs living ?ia beach hcxise on the Gulf Coast
Scriybook of Trtasurtd Merrorits By Coeoue Heiarum rod Betty Stechmam ($20.00)
A book of art, photogzaply, aid reminiscence of the Gulf Coast
SirkoT St Sink By Paul La Vioktte ($30 00)
A recourtingofthe nwalb<itle mthe Mississippi Sound preceding the Battle cf New Orleans in 1812
Wtst Sid4 Stents Btfort. Dumg ani Afltr an Mississippi s West Cbast Photographs and ConttKrtaryby Vkki Nr> let and Betty Stechmarm($28DO)
A Pictorial of cm homes and oomrauni** mPass Christian, Bay st Lewis, Waveland, Lakesho*, and Clermont Harbor
A tffiitd Egnet t> itt Sfialbvs By PaU La Viofette ($3000)
"His stcnes reveal the ambiance and wonder of coastal living; while at the same time showing the sometime} slow, sometimes catastiophic physical and social changes takmgplace mthe ODastal regions.?
Graff Hall Gulfside Methodist Assembly

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