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Ckro Live M&'Qr axis ix>m to ynetc/'/JYj / ?? J^osJd Hurtm awJlfl/intf M&chmruA , 'G&mcly Ld^f moVed k> A/ew 0r/<&zn6> foLCeuJ/r?<y	?/r>^C
'Jj&cJ'e-cilX) )n * Gzwhyie*sxH^Mrtodl puj>l/<c ^Il?>&[
In h)e \aJ Dr(&iu3 tfcrcuejh ^<2 S^i cf r&Je h>ui~h^
*h? (jv it) iDord 'fe h&lp h&r yr\&?L^rav&l "Sh<? ^dLA ^k<2&'h	<l{~	X)'^y<^n5	^SJb>rr
iy\ MecO Orient,ts; ujh^re meh Qth^r ma^r\eSFra^	fibiM- 'tft>i umoK <3uw<o
& cUiUfre^ ? jjotjhj fhud^ Jr.. Ch&rl&<^	oa^J
L^hjri^, S&i'&re. her ho^hru^j k
rpc^fed t& fj&w. & *? jc r&ys) iy^tvKzy^- $>Iu? br<raw^
/ y? [veJ m u)id& rzu^^L efkcJ-*????<??>
hie LL	tb	r	htJ^^au^Js '&<? A'^-sy-ss/*?
y>j?\ fii&pn'ifor LV4z/&un<d:<3^* 7tt/s mdosfri^Ll-j
fr^Ae	r&	^ >rn	?
yTiecd' DpjrdJ^e ^tl<on^	ss /p?pj -
fplL&LOiytef her hr>?> b<nu<4 i	/n	!^^-/ &rx>//f)e^
S&?\Jr&^ employ yneit.)~ UI/^ /iUh^^J^ <^2>^>jo^y dh^ppi^sr &f	sh<s h^f
k>?on prz>M.erf'e<4	i&r	<r/W fa
1ofh&r //>?4? r<^}~r^y?z^>y // //<p^ ,
Sh<? uj&jz /'n^ihru no&n^-C ;h s^tjrsny HI& /J^?
Sjkf'/c^ f^r/nf	tt^hzr
S^iA.\fphn *Sf<?nr))^ tueCL^'s fifcednzfeAop? menj~ ol~ red<3sptVdrh^r	^y in
Gu/)^y, She deeply //? Vi>I[/e&J~j?)
Ao^isi cu^ by SiziyuA^i rzf Frzsi'h' ^r^>

Kiefer, Caroline 006
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Hancock County Historical Society
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