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'-?.?about /u,i/vu>icoi'av. _______
>-Mobile Bay to flee. When man^' wrefused, he said to them, ?Just ~ sit down and hang on.?
Ben Buerger, emergency ^coordinator on Dauphin Island t in Mobile Bay, said 20 to 25 per-
?	* sons had refused to budge from
>	their homes.
In Mississippi, a highway in-.-tersection at Hattiesburg, 80
*	miles inland, was so busy that
>	police were sent to deal with tra-ffic jams that backed up cars
Omaha SHorld-lBerald
(USPS 400*280)
Published daily and Sunday at Worid-Herald Square. Omaha. Nebraska 68102. Wain offices (402) 444-1000 Want ads (402) 342-6633. ?
Orrwlio Ooi/y Herald founded M65. Omo/>0 Dai/y World founded fay Gdbrrt M Hitchcock. 1835.
World Herald. 1889
WORLD-HERAID NEWS BUREAUS Washington. D C.. Phone (202) 393-0644 1217 National Pre3S Building 20045 Lincoln, Phone (402) 432-3132 Suite 1. Executive Huiidmg 68508 Council Bluffs, la . Phone (712) 322-0079 210 Park Building 51501
The Associated Pross is exclusively entitled to the use for reproduction of alt the local news printed in the newspaper as weii as all AP .dispatches
Second class postage paid at Omaha. Neb . and at other mailing offices Veany mad subscription rales fo? Nebraska. Iowa, parts of Kansas.1 Missouri. South Dakota, S33 80 daily. $26.00 Sunday. 559.80 daily and Sunday. Special rates for members of armed forces. Other rates on request
Omaha World-Herald Company Owner, Publisher
?he read the preaicuuns ui mi. .track that Frederic would
?	?follow.
' ?Weare right in the middle,? said Ken Phillips.
Farther west on the Missis-sfppi coast" 73-year-old ~ ^WraTJieSm'----------------
'v window of his hardware store on :the beach at BavSt. Louis.
\ ?That?s exactly the same thing they said last time,? he 3aid.
k Hospitals in the Mobile area were reported at full occupancy, but disaster officials said none were in the area threatened by floods.
Uranium Crash
Scheilsburg, Pa. (AP) ? A tractor-trailer loaded with a uranium compound crashed on U.S. 30 in the Allegheny Mountains. Authorities said the cargo, bound eventually for Japan, remained intact. iwranmamaiaiMw
on vacation
Robert McMorris

Mauffray Alden-Mauffray-comments-on-Hurrican-Camille-before-it-comes-ashore
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Hancock County Historical Society
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