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Sea Island, cotton plantation "Clifton" in Mississippi, across Leke Pont-ohartrain from New Orleans9 Louisiana0 He and his wife MARY BUTLER DANIELL, spent the remainder of their days there. They had nine childres? C-EORGE WASHINGTON, born in Charleston, S0C0e) AGNES EUGENIA AMELIA,, JAMES BUTLERD SARAH HAMLIN, MINTORIA AMANDA ? JOSI/iE, ANNA EURO PA and MARY SUSAN 0
GEORGE WASHINGTON^ the eldest scnp had just graduated at /Vest Point Military Academy; when the Tesas and Mexican Jar came on* He enlisted as
First Lieutenant and was in Fannins Division, He with his company was cap? tured by the Mexican Army on the plains of Goliad; and massacred by the order of Santa Anna, President of Mexico; They were drawn up in line and told to turn their backs and kneel* "Lieutenant Daniell, who was in command of his Companys as the Capto had been killed when they were captured, "Americans never turned, their backs to an enemy and only knelt to God% and as they were aiming at thems Lieutenant Daniell took off his cap and waved it and said "Hurrah for Texas?? There was one man in the company that fell5 ^hen the others did; but was not wounded, and he crawled in the sage grass on the plains and made his escape9 and went back to New Orleans and over to Clifton to Lieutenant Daniell?s Father and told him of his sons braire death* The President of the United States donated three thousand acres of land in Texas to the heirs of officers that were killed in that War? Some years later Judge F?L0 DANIELL9 Father of LIEUTENANT DANIELL9 had the land surveys ed and located? Two thousand of it in FanninsGrayson and Collin Countysc The other thousand on the Brazos River?
So ms few years after our Civil Wart the heirs put in a claim for the lando It had been sot tied by " squatters? who didnft want to give it upc A nephew of my Mother* s-(LEVf IS LILLA5D)9 who was a lawyer and lived at I'exia, Tesas, took it in hands and it ran in Chancery Gourt SI years 0 He gained it but only got a nere pittance of what the Courts left of it? My Mother's share was only ?;500o00,, and the rest of the heirs the aame0
My grandfather5s Mother was a grand daughter of FIELDING LEV/IS AND

Mitchell Emma-Hamlin-Mitchell-Colmant's-Genealogy-on-her-Mother's-Side-03
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