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Demolish or preserve?
The demolished frame cottage which served a triple purpose of classroom, dining room and kitchen. This was the first building in America and built in Shieldsborough (Bay St. Louis) January 6, 1855, for three sisters of the St. Joseph of Bourg order. After a terrifying and tiring voyage, they arrived to install their new mission which was the first foundation installed by Bishop Van de iJBalde. *
The dynamic pace of change today needs to be considered, somehow we need to give a sense of time and place to whole scene of our American heritage, and the uprooting, nervous ?progress.?
The question is not whether there will or will not be change and progress but what form it will take. Shall we tear down the old and build all new, or shall be consciously search-* out and preserve the best of the old while skillfully inserting the new?
Each person of Bay St. Louis and ea*,?' site- ??
even more important, when the values of preservation are fully understood and injected into the community, they can become a vital force in the local economy and guide for future progress.
New and imaginative efforts must be initiated in Bay St.
Louis. It must be recognized that the past can play a part in the growth ancl prosperity of the community. The Historic Sites Survey Committee is now in the progress of surveying the building of Bay St. Louis to suggest a plan for preservation and a creation of a historic district. Persons
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who have buildings 50 years and older may register their buildings for the records of this survey. You may write Hancock County Historical Society, Historic Survey Committee, P.O. Box 1340, Bay St. Louis, Ms. 39520 or phone 467-3907 __/for registration.

Moran St.-Joseph-Ruins
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Hancock County Historical Society
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