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places and longer whips would get tangled in the brush, Moran said. The ox whip has a stock about five to six feet long and about four feet of whip.
Moran says he doesn't think logging with oxen is a dying art. He feels tbis is the most fjsa economical as well as the most satisfactory way to get logs out. "The Humane Society members are really misinformed", Moran said, "Some of them think the animals are ill used and whipped. This is k not so. An ox has tough feet and strong legs. In sections mountainous where there are rocks their feet might need protection, but in Mississippi there are no rocks where we log. Well trained lead ox knows how to put on brakes and avoid muscle injury when the animals pull. Moran said oxen are mild animals and gentle, however, occasionally there will be a driver that just doesn't fit in with the team, and is replaced. Not that he isn't a qualified driver, but because driver-team must work in complete
harmony of mind and purpose .. work like a well oiled machine.

Moran 一document-015
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