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'^ec'amo Leading Citi-pispensed a ^4-^ Hospitality
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'::V>A fc^ JQHN P.1 COLEMAN CT^^8?S>?i?ATB: J0??, New Orleans many desirable acoos-
iriiiir?.).to. its rapidly growing popu-coming mostly from England,
itly from England, F ?*	t-*	?	,	"J
iin~xrid rrytama ralace
- This oiite ' beautiful ircsidcncc, of whicji the family who.occupicd?if, Mr. .Coleman writes so inter-i HUnjfly,. ?" ..I *>c*Tt ?d _;%t :'l 758 Prytania. .	,	.	r.	??	..	.	,	...	w	?
.i ? ' ?	.......	?............	-.....?	.''mi	??t.'iwii,''	I	m	.......	,I-
Ireland, Scotland'' and'.' 'Germany. This city :was, at'that time. Mie did-' trlbilttn^ point' (or. that largq Influx of uho forejsri element which pro-forradcatslng It?s lot With the South rather! 1 fan with'the '{lection boy,o?<t the -\fa*on aml Dlxon?p, llrte. 1	-
-Among; Chose , people Were. not a tew men and women of superior fid. ucyitlon-'ipd accomplishments?philosophers, teachar.s, writers, .poets. experts in,the various isciei^cos and I5 tlio loading . pro'fesslbps. With few nxcnptlpnsi^ ihr.y;' bcc-imo not.only cxt-niplary^citiziins'hut grew Iq be exporlenced. cner^e't|?i aiid l-t-t'-sigiit-?)ii mon of' affairs, who In (li^ir ilay' eontvlbuti-d not a.', lit tie'to'the growth; wealth, find Imi)?>>t:tiico nf New Or-. lei4.nri.HS u great; anil commanding metropolis, iintT ; -wtiyi. .^themselves amor,jl the tv.W 1-^lKhly esteemed, af-riucnt'VnU''socially'prominent' of Us C.itUnns .	^	'	?
- Mi?iiy Jycara nnteVhtfinsr the Civil U?iif, a jut while yet. Now Orleans was in it* <=w<Kid)in*,- clothes, .so1 to --------------------------------------------
.? .. . , ..*?' ' speakr there came. to. thi? city." two young men of -'remftrkabloVrintetU-. pfehce and force of character whoso enlightened and patriotic conception of the responsibilities undi diitlen o? the' citizenship tliey s&uglit, sbon brought them into-prominence.. One was a native of Bonny dcortand," the fother from tho land of the Emerald, and both, although strangers tO: eae^i other, upon thell- , arrival'here. became inseparable in a frle,rtdsi!lip>.flij loyal, as' sincere, anil'as unsSelfjih as that of jQ>iathu'iv and: Davld^ >vV}(ch knew 110 variableness or rtnrhlnff.' In . limn. families grewvuir. ibfut tlicni mid thejri,childrori, rich'jrii'. tnh'i>ri<tanc,o of the- attributea. (trace* of a lia-ppy jjarenlHge.: ? ry ; thewa?elvea drawn'.totretlier'In1'bo' ids ?!ven of a iloMer uniou pf.>B*nUm '^t and ui'fei-tion.
* *- * -Mushet and O'Brien , ^ 'T'lIK QSB' WAS lJiivl.1l . Muj?hoy.
:	born	In Scotland,-and th?e ?>Oi?r^
John O'llrien. whoso. j?orubeiu-sMi^iJed
from Ireland, he comlug direct Crum Canada. ? ttot h were .'poor; In? tiiat which1 'constitutes the world's stand u.fd of weaith, but opule.nt In' all Ibose other essentials, .which make wealth,, and w^lcli, thoujh It surpassed. the treasures of Che Golcon-das, wealth could not buy. ? David .Muahot, becoming interested in the handling of cotton in . ail the complicated brandies of that business, was-Soon, able to?control Und operate a'.cotton -.plckary; the !ar? In ?New ^Orleans. Mis friend. John O?Brien, was. the proprietor Of a Mr cottbu.. press cnniloyingr hundreds of pe6ple%-;aiid? handling' thousands of gulf's pr , the flp.ocy staple,, whioli. shipped all ovt'r the world, was sub-*?qtjt>ntly ma.nuractiired Into fabrics of utility and of 11 value, far exceed-. HiK the orin'tnal cost of production. scarcely imcn.sHary to say that ?*i?o?c 'two- .	vo	youufy	t^ati
rapUUyi . ncTuimilaied wealth, and that they soon took rank among ihn most'-laffliient of Hie - proyrresslve JmKihcss.mcn of New Orlcajis, Their
and highly respected family. Hot O?Brien haa long filled the resp sible position of Superintendent Construction and Equipment v. the Now Orfleans Public Scrvtco C> pany. 3ohn O'Brien, tlie ISmllo O'Brien,'married a lovely t(ir of Emile I.aSerc, at one tlm member, of CoiiKrews from, nils d rlct. The La Seres were, of an tirlfltoci;atlc!! French fainJly of Pyrenees, prominent soclaljyi _fir.d every way delightful, "'ho old m slon on Prytania Street near V nla "bought from David ,.\Iu.<iet John O'Brien .ras Inherited from mother by the beautiful' Miss C O'Brien, wife of Thomas rt. Rlcha son.
liotji* Mr. and Mrs. O?Brfen. ;? their daughter Cora., died In the '!jome. It, was. upon.-.the. death of ' latter.i.ihat tfcla property finally 1 sed fyom the:O?Brien family.
It may. bo ?taid .that lt wis pi cjlpally tn, view of the approach marriasre o? t;l? daughter to the 1 of h)? irlohd;1 Joliii O?Brien and t the :membojS'oC-'JU8 tmmodlate fair rptglit be'' llrousrht Into still '?lo communion with each other that. Tltreed- tho~^'6alihy> J)avid: ^nshet
dispose . bf,i'lvi8,,61d).;^ home^.-ajid build?, further, dow.n-.-on. the of Prytania Street at. corner of Melpomene. Qn thin s Hr. iVIushet erected a; fine,; comm ous-looklnst , ;dbiibie;; cesiderin?, downtown-}ilde of which'was ot pied?by himself .?u'd family, and other-side by-"Atr,,Vajid Jlr?. Eh O?Brletr, son-in-law and .'?l?fy ter; "It! *vas'. in ttfls Iiouse' iKi't yotinK. couple tyei'e marrled.-and returning trom'i .?-their' lioneymc they occupied that portion of building set,'aside.'tor their com ienoe and comfort; by a, ^onerous ? thoughtful tatiier-iu'-lai'/.
The New .Mansion irpKK NEW - 'bulldlm? .??>? hnndHomn.i1 than iho old 1io Its furnlHhiiif?s worn mor*' s;ot niore attinctive, .tho ceilings v hlirher. Ilia oarv|n?:s richer, tlio terpieees mnr? beautiful, the 11 tels and inouldlncs more elahon artistic, aiid in e%-ery way ttio st. turo was more comfortable greatly mori? desirabl**. While terlorly liie edifice differed bnt ! from other hduses of that chara. the Interior offered much to bo mired, and when filled with beautiful things that had 1 specially ordered' for Its adnrnm was truely as^iiandsbme as an? the city.
Both l)avld jTushet ar.d 1 O?Tirlen were enuall.v cenerous-er.'i l In the nse of I heir moc. Judicious and discrlminatinff in f benefactions.' There was no wo. pause, nubile or private, of w thev had tuiowiedRe. that was Indebted to them for substantial trihutliX'S both in money am.
At liomo,	liu^pltxiUtv.	?
unostriitntlo'is. was munificent, this beautIt'*)I trait in the ohara of CiK'se Aien d<!.scended with nvi Brouter frruce and vnrostj-air.-il

O'Brien, Hon. E. E Mushet-and-O'Brien-Residences-New-Orleans-States--1
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