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J5he Bay?s Mercantile Co,
Cinder the roofe if tiese two sijres
are gathered the nK?jhandiH niseis of city and country iwiplr. so jor onjhly an>d comprehensfnr "tiat fi'ar?]y an essential of the ?aoiK.-. :ollr. hmn*i or farm Is omitted. Ti. *num>rar*- ?ach lin e on the sheL-r-s nni ii r.h>f stock an d tlie warehouse would -?qu..r-; columns of this ediorn. ar.i 11 >-n r.r.? idea of the completen-iis' of '.he iio'.k noulil r.O't be conveyed niorcugl " a:? juid result from a per-snuii: visi:	TUce is
at air of freshnes. of newness &.-<! of bristling business n w:h tepa.rment. Tb-ere is no room :ar iheltron. rjods at the Bay?s Heraani'f C( Ti.* poller of marking smiis !n pain Spires an?d selling at one irric-? wl:ch tis-inaugurated at the ci -ep-.ion it "j:-? business gives pubt:	?.?or.fideice ir. -the
trustworthiness "iue sales wiu:;. are h?-ld at frequen: ii?.sr-ais	can
question that wi-:: nr:?es ive e irked du wn they must.	iort:na.?::j	low
and this sales-sys'-^n fc-~?ps liesit stores absolutely free Ct<tz o-jt of iatf- stock. To visit these stc^ is to 1* im pressed with the buying- r omnunires r>"-red; an d the first idea. :r-i n1 s t.i.a: this iu ust be a cash sr..oT? ?av-rii:? lively to tho city trim1 The ry -, is la.rge, but an en^rnm-i c.untr-y 'nisi ness is also tn?--ac?t-w*?ii fiuci customers co;r>p ~-*zi ii r.niiiit oif nany ramies, and the nncer:; dies a wholesale busin-&??riVu tie country un><3*cther stores TaJues r^iran-tewd absolutely, :aiit -'if a cuiromi^r gets th*e impression -liar he lus hk*i obtained good valTo* *3i?- ran return the KH'ods and get mioney >a?:E n>tth-ourt quibble. Conn-wy on -.he part of
i*. a hardware store on the opposite ?:de of the road.
Mr; OeOinack's wonderful success has b-.en won by methods which for fairness and probity are beyond question: and the Bay St. Louis people justly t&f 1 that Mr. Osoinach has deserved the growth and expansion which have come ;:nce the business was established. To one some idea of the number of Ines carried by Bay?s Mercantile Com-;anv. we will say that there is carried a; all times a fuii otock of groceries, Hardware, boots and shoes, dry goods, notions, gent?s furnishing goods, hats snd caps, clothing, furniture, crockery, and glassware, tinware, wovenware, c-aby carriages, willow-ware, paints, oils and varnishes, feed, cordage and r:>pes. saddlery and harness, ship chan-~.?ery. etc.
In the boot and shoe department ev-?iry customer has at this establishment '. merchant well posted on their needs snd desires, and' whose sole inducement for trade is giving value for the money. At this store one will find a ? omplete stock of the ?Rex? shoes T-.'.nde b\ H. Rosenberg & Sons, which -II ;it J !.r.ll ii ml also the Sc I/., Schwab a. Co. shiv's of Chicago, which also j:rl 1 for the same price. jSpT'TBiihiy? fa very proud of havingt?T7Sc sole agencies and knows that thete goods and the prices will produce the sales. Ir. hats and caps there is to be found an excellent assortment to choose from He carries the Rothschild Bros.? goods, known as the famous St. Louis brand. These are without doubt the finest hats for the price to be had anywhere in the world. They represent beauty of finish,
tailor-made goods. In the dry goods department, that line particularly receives every attention, as much care is observed in selection of fabrics as is taken in their sales, and these advantages are backed by a frank and open policy of setting forth every article strictly on its merits. If a piece of
good groceries as much as good- cooking that makes the meal a success, and this store caters to people who want good goods. Nowhere in Bay St. Louis is there seen a better stock, and one is apt to find many things here, not always kept in a city of this size. The slit Ives display an excellent assortment of relishes and delicacies. A profusion of good things to eat, the staple provisions, flour and heavy groceries are all of the highest grade. It matters not whether a child conies to buy here, or whether a note is sent, the customer can always rely upon purity and weight. In the feed line there is embraced corn, oats, bran, hay and everything in that category. Tinware, wooden-ware and willow ware are here in great profusion. Paitts* oils, etc., are a most important part of tho mammoth stock, and here is foucd again the exclusive agency for the Noiaii Enk?*'*1 ~> prise paint, tho best for the money ever made. It costs less anfi goes further than any other; and is world-widc-ly known and is a strong seller. In cordage and roue and chi"

Osinach, John Bay-Merchantile-Company--Sea-Coast-Echo--1
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