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Osoinach, John.
His first store was located in the "Hollow" where later Mrs. Lapsley's home was (400 S. Beach)(SCE Jubilee 1942, pg. 24, col 2).
The Democratic county convention of Hancock met at the courthouse on Wednesday 10th, W. T. Stocker, chairman, and J. V. Dillon, secretary. The following delegates were elected as delegates to Congressional convention at Biloxi, on Wednesday the 17, inst. :	Beat 1 -T. M. Favre, J. W.
Cowart, Jr., John Poitevent, J. S. Otis. Alternates - H.
S. Weston, H. Boyet, M. Geiger, H. E. McGuire, M. F.
Baxter. Beat 2 - H. U. Stevenson, W. W. Pigford, W. H. Slaydon, J. W. Simmons, A. G. Stevenson. Beat 3 - J. L. MeGehee, M. A. Bailey, A. N. Stevenson, John M. Steward, James MeGehee. Beat 4 - Reuben Brown, P.; J. Mauffray, A. Kergosien, Emilio Cue, Wm. Curret. Beat 5 - Frank J. Ladner, John Osoinach, Victor Ladner, John B. Ioor, C. C. Hart. Delegates from county-at-large A. J. Stewart, Jos.
E. Saucier, H. McGuire. H. E. McGuire offered the resolution that the Democracy endorse Representative Hon.
T. R. Stockdale, especially his attitude on the tariff question and his opposition to the Force Bill. (SCE 8/13/1892)
Mr. John Osoinach is unusually happy this week. It's a boy. Our best wishes are extended. (SCE 11/5/1892)
Medal Subscription List - We, the undersigned, subscribe the amounts next to our names for the purpose of purchasing silver medals for the use of the public schools of this city, to be awarded as tokens for good conduct, application,etc., both at the girls and boys schools.
Mrs. Amelie Gragnon, medal for good conduct $2.50; A.G. Peiri .25; T.L. Evans .50; R.J. Turner, M.D. .50; L.J. Piernas .50; Captain Toulme .50; J.V. Dillon .50;
John Osoinach .50; S.P. Driver .50; A.R. Hart .50; Theo Reese 2.50; M. Gragnon .50; J.T. Eagan 2.50; Mrs. Bowers .50; Chas. G. Moreau .50. (SCE 12/10/1892)
Joyce & Osinach Gen'l Merchandise, Front between Bookter Ave and Goodchildren Streets (SCE 5/16/1896)
(Osoinach, (?) owned hardware store opposite 412 S. Beach. Later owned by Sylvan Ladner. (Is this the Combel Hardware?)
1907 Nov 16, Both Osoinach stores burned along with his Opera House and residence.
1907	Dec 7 (SCE). John Osoinach is removing trees on his lot opposite Merchants Bank to rebuild his store.
1908	Mar 14 (SCE). Bought 2 story house in rear of W. J. Gex (210 S Beach) and moved it to where his opera house had been before the fire 16 Nov 1907.
Osoinach, John. Built annex to Bay Mercantile (205 S Beach) on beach front. (SCE 23 May 1908).
He was Treasurer of Peoples Building and Loan Association at time of publication. (SCE 5 Sep 1903. pg. 12).
He was 38 years old in 1903. (SCE 5 Sep 1903 pg 13. photo).

Osinach, John Osoinach-John-mentions--1
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