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From Peter's death in 1729 to John Poitevent's move to Mississippi in 1835 the Poitevent family was extremely active in North Carolina.
Joseph, fourth child of Peter and Susannah, appears in the New Hanover County Court Minutes 1738-1800, by Walker as follows:	*
1741-42, Vol. I, p. 31, estate of Isaac Poitevent.
Joseph Poitevent appoited administrator (brothers).
1741, Vol. I,	P.	23	petit jury duty
1741-42, Vol.	I,	P*	30 grand jury duty.
Joseph had a son named John (I believe because of dates), who appears as follows:			
1764 Vol. I	P-	54	Grand jury duty
1764 Vol. I	P*	91	jury duty
1774 Vol. II	P-	23	jury duty
1774 Vol. II	P.	24	July jury duty
1774 Vol. II	P-	28	October bond for guardian
8 January 1785 Vol. II p. 93 estate John Poitevent deceased - court order John Jones, James Larkins,
Joel Parish to divide estate and report next term and that the administrators may sell the perishables.
2	July 1787 Vol. Ill p. 18 Estate John Poitevent deceased. Daniel Bourdeaux, Thomas Lewis & Benjamin Larkins to make division and report next term.
22	May 1792 Vol. Ill p. 72 Estate John Poitevent deceased. James Parrish, Daniel Bourdeaux, William Taylor to divide estate.
28 February 1793 Vol. Ill p. 86	Estate John
Poitevent deceased ordered William Taylor, Daniel Bourdeaux, Sweeting Bond, William Jones Jr., James Gufford to divide estate between children.
21	September 1795 Vol. IV p. 24	Estate John
Poitevent deceased - James Gufford, William Taylor tc Sweeting Bond returned a division of the estate objected to by the court.

Pearl Rivers Poitevent Genealogy-14
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