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In consideration of Six hundred (600) dollars,the receipt of
which is acknowledged,I,Rita L.Breath,wife of Charles A.Breath,hereby convey and warrant to FRANCES MARIE PANESI,wife of George E.Pitcher,a
certain lot of land,with its rights and privileges.situated in the first ward of the City of Bay St Louis,Hancock county,State of Mississinui, and thus described:having a front on the western bank or waters edge of the Bay of St Louis,and extending back between two parallel lines 75 (seventy five) feet,more or less,a part,on a course north 70 degrees west,3000 feet,more or less,to the eastern line of the second street or Dunbar Avenue;and bounded on the north by land assessed to Crowell & Jones,and south by land formerly owned by F.G.Penney (born Cowand),but now owned by Montluzin.The land herein conveyed is now assessed as Lots 330 (west side of the Front Street oT~ Shell Road) and 331 (east side of the Front Street),as per a plat of said city made by L.J.Henderson,filed in the office of the chancery clerk of said county,on Jan'y 6.1902.Being the same land conveyed by Appollonia C.Zimmer to the present vendor,by deed dated March 13.1905,filed for record in
the office of the aforesaid chancery clerk,on March 34.1905^
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Witness my signature,this2-0 day of March,A.D.1905.
tice of the peace and ex officio Notary Public in and for the county of Hancock,State aforesaid,the within named Rita L.Breath who acknowledged that she signed and delivered the foregoing instrument on the day and year therein mentioned.
State of Mississippi,
Hancock County
Personally appered before me,J.A.Breath,a jus-

Pitcher, George Jr 008
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