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Ooodsneed's Biographical and Histo?^' Memc 3 of Hississiooi Vol. II,-pt. I, oo 599-600
MKMorns oy Missrasrrrr.	.	w.e
Ho wns 11 tn;m of	ntoro tlinn or?litt;iry inlolligonco, wn? n friHptout	cofitril>tit?*r	lo vation*	jour
iinln, iuhI was u prominent. phywrinn nnd planter. He wax ipiilo well ofT.	In June,	IMUI,
Dr. rip.-H joined	tho AdauiR troop uh Rorgeant, nml nerved nil	through the	war in llm Vir-
ginia army, lighting lirnt nt firnt Hull Hun, (lion ChnncollorRviile, Antiotnm, (Mlynhmg, rpvoii days? tight nronnd Hichmond, nml many other* in Virginia. Just l>eforo I/oe?n Rurron-dor In* wn* Ronl with (Ion. Wndo Hampton into Norlli Carolina, anti fought nt nontonville.
Ho wuh with his regiment ni ovory roll ontl, nnd was nlightly wounded ?t. Bramlv Rtntion.
Jli* Hiirrondorod with Oonornl Johnson, nml thou returned hom?\
John (?. I?itchford, plnnlor nml merchant, Shoccoe, Minn., wnR l?orn in Warren eoiintv,
N. on Iho 'Jf?lh of Janonry, IS'M, and wn?? Iho eldest of fourt^n children l*orn to the union of Thoma* J. nml Mntihln H. (Cheek) Pitchford, native** of tho Ohl North Plato nl*o. Tho father wan ?p?ite n noted phynirian in hix native Hat**, and wna nlsnn prominent ]>olilician, worring n* ntato Ronntor for 11 number of years l>oforo tho wnr. Ho died in JN8!lt and Iho mother in ISSI. Tho paternal grntidparontR of our nubjnct, Matthew and Kliznbeth Pilch-ford, worn nntivoM of North Carolina, a* won* also his mntornnl gramlpnronlR, Hobort. T. nml Mary A. Cheek. Tho Pilchford family is of Soolrh*Irinl? origin. John C. Pilchford wn* educated in tho privato kcIiooIm of North Carolina principally, attending arhool nt Warrentnn until Rovont4M*n yonr* of ago, and Ihnn entered Iho IJnptinl college nt Wake Fon?Rl, whoro ho graduated in !Hr>r?, inking first honors. Ho Hubso<|Uonlly taught nchool, nml conlinmMi thin until INfil, when I10 l>egan planting, and thin linn l>eon bin occupation since. ile in tho ownor of ono (hotiHnnd Iwo hundred acren of Innd, with four hundred neroR under tiio plow, and in * conneclion ho in ;?Iro engaged in merchnndising, carrying n stork of goodR vnliiod nt. $1*1)0. Mr. Pilchford haR mndo nil hi* proporty l*y his own oi^rtionn, mid iR hnnorod ami roHpiM*t**d l?y nil who aro intimaloly ac<piniii(rd with him. Mins Harriot K. Dnv, who iMvnino lii? wifo in 1SHI, ujir In^rn in North (-arolinn, nnd wa? Iho daughter of W. II. ami Marv H. Day, nntivoR nlso of that ^talo. Tho Ion children l?om lo Mr. nmi Mtr. 1?itciiford an* nnimil in Iho ordor of llioir birthn ;in follonR*. IlolH'rt Ij., Storling, Iiuov M.t John (*., Thomns .1.. Willinm 1)., Annio Ijm Iiandon (.?. nml MnrKhnll N. Mr. i?ilrhford?M KympathioR woro uith tho South during Iho Civil wnr, nnd in lStlU ho onliHH*! in tho Mndinon nrlillory, \v 11 ft wiiirh ho romnimnl until corrjiI ion of hostilition. Ho was in tho following hnltlon* Al*no Hun, UriR-to** Station, Wihlornoss, SpotUyIvnnin, llnnovor Junction, (?-old H irUir, Appomattox (*ourt Iiouho, nnd nil tho ImttloR nrotind l?otorHlmrg. Ho \vn* dnngorotinly woundiMl nt tho halth* of Cohl l?nrl?or, hoing ntr.ick throo linion in ton minute*, and wnR diRnl>h*d for throo montlm. In jnditiitfl ho in n dotnocrnt. Ho holdn tho oHioo* of jtiRtico of Uu? ponco n??d p<MlmaRl/'r, ir public K])irito<l, nnd is n lihornl emit rihutor to nil Inmlnhlo ont^TpriRCR Riich n** roIjooIr, rhurrhoH, otc. Ho hnH hoon mtURtinliy RuccoRHfnl, ami what ho bnn nccumulnt<Ml in tho way of thiR worhl?R gotnln ir Iho tohuII of liin own uuaidod ofTortfl.
Ooorgo 1?lanchot, Hny St. Loiiio, Mipa., wnw lK?m nt tho ix>giR do Koinoforl, dopnrtmonl do In Chnrrnto, Franco, Mny 2S, IS40t nnd i* n Ron of Ooorgo Planchot, whodnl n inrgo ngriculmrnl husinoKR. Ho wan o<lucnt4*d in hi* nntivo Innd, nl tho collogo of Iwi Hcxhrfot;* cauhl. In IS;>0 ho wont to Angoulomo city, nnd clorkod tlwrn in h dryguxln H<or.? until tl>out tho middlo of Iho yonr 1Ht?0, nrd then wont to PnriR, whoro ho ni?o riorko<l in tno Ritmo lino of buRinoR* until 18<?2. During thin tiino 110 U'cnrm^ fnmilinr with tho difiVr-out liuofl of goodn hnndlo^l in tho busin?*sR, nnd wont out fw n* trnvoling Raiopmnn. !!<? war tlaiR employed until 1870. During that yonr lie entered tho corpR of the Moiulifw*, in the Frroch army, nnd wont througti tho Frnnco-Pfafwinn wnr, ending bin norvico in Misrcli,
1871.	In October of iho namo yonr ho nnilod for America, landing nt Now Orbvtnh Divoomln'r 24, 1871. Ho aocurod h Hituation iii a drygooda 8lor?, which ho hold until May,
1872.	In July of that yoar he ouwo to Bay Ht. Louis, aud tmtablUhod himyulf in the drygoods buHiuosrt. His long yoara of ?i|K?riouco in tho employ of othor mon and in hi? own biiHiuiMM have hoou of iiuuilouhddt) Uh? to him. Ho it* a cotnploto uiautor of tho <lotuiU of the trndo, uud by olo?*? uUontion ami induatry ho haa nocuniuliiU>d a coiupotonoy. Ho in troan. uri'r of tho St. JoNoph Hooiety, of tho Cntliolio Knights of Amorim, bramrh 180, and of tho INniplo?n Huihliug nml Loan nHHoeintion of Hay Si. Ixjum, nnd iu all thono jtoHitioni ho iliHpluys that rxcollont judgmout and wi?o inaiiaguuiont that havo chnraoU?rizi?d bin privaLo douliogs. Mr. IMaiichot was uarriod to Mina Louiuo Chiona, ami tb??y liuvo had l>oru to thorn four childron. Hosidos his coiniuorciul inture ho owns a cousiilorablo amount of propurty, urd iu iu vory comfortablo circumaUnccs.

Planchet, George 007
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