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of the bills drawn by mo (pr their order) on Mess". Penette, Dacosta Freres & C*. out of my Account, & of course that State stands indebted to the holders of said bills, -which bills witli their protests should bo forwarded to Mr. Iiendon yr resident at Philadelphia, which will be recovered with 18 p Cl. Damages on protest & G p. Cl. pr annum Inteat. untill paid.
On those principles, & on this scale, I had my own AcctB settled with the State, & the holders of those bills put upon the same footing with myself, which was all I had in my power to do for them.
The Immense disbursements of the State to keep up an Army,
& the ravages of the Enemy, had rendered their finances so low, that when I called on the Treasury for the 10,000 Dollars (I was ordered by the Assembly as a partial payment) I could not get as much as paid my expenses to Virginia & such you know Good Sir are the calamities of all Nations at War, for money, that it frequently or I may say generally falls heavy upon some of their Subjects amongst whom I have had rather more than by proportion, but now that Peace is happily, advantageously & Honorably established, the exhorbitant expenses of the State will decrease & the revenues increase and by that means their finances will speedily put it in their powTer to do ample justice to her Creditors?
I have the honor to be with all due respect,
Your Excellency?s most obedient and most lible Serv1.
0LR. Pollock (Rubric)
Ilis ExcelK Govr. Miro.
Cyrillo to Miro August 27,178368
Senor Governor
Mt Dear Sir: I have been informed that the commandant of Opelusas, Don Alexandra de Clouet, has judicially dissolved the marriages by the Church of Bartolome le Bleu, Pedro Malet, and Bierde, Englishmen, thus condemning them to perpetual separation. Therefore, I find myself under the indispensable obligation of making this known to Your Lordship, so that you, having been informed of the injury done to my tribunal through the abrogation by this commandant of privileges for which he has no authority, and his disrespect in engaging in such a proceeding, may take the most efficacious means in order definitely to put an end to such actions. lie should be made to realize that only by governmental means would it be permissible to make such separations when the case is urgent and de-
POST WAIt DECADE, 1782-1701
mands it, and in case the interested parties are not able to go to the capital. My tribunal then should be advised so that it may proceed in justice as it is coin pel led to do. In order that in the future he shall abstain from any such procedure, Your Lordship should command that the three aforementioned persons be reunited as legitimately married. May God preserve Your Lordship many years. New Orleans, August ?7,1783
Senor Governor, your most attentive servant kisses the hand of Your Lordship.
F. Cthillo de Barcelona, Bishop Elect (Rubric).
Senor Don Esteban Miro, Interim Governor.
Galvez to Miro September 12,1783 09
My Very Dear Sir: I have taken note of what Your Lordship advises in your letter of January !), last, in reply to one from my predecessor dated September 27, last, to the effect that the tobacco crop of the current year in your province would be scanty, because of the bad storms experienced. This has served as a guide in making a decision here as to what is advisable with regard to planting- this crop in the villas of Orizava and Cordova.
May Our Lord preserve Your Lordship.
Mexico, September 12,1783.
Your Most devoted servant kisses the hand of Your Lordship.
?Matias de Galvez (Rubric) Senor Don Estevan Miro.	'
Mrs. Pollock to Miro 1783 co
Sir: please to lay peek a oaeside let reason & Justice take place and Return me my Cook that I Certainle do Mise and Certain it is that you have no Right to detain her upon any prot^iir^-Edialever
I am your Excell7. Most obedient Sirvant
Margt. Pollock
Miro to Mrs. Pollock
September 13, 1783 61
My Dear Madam:	Your	letter is very insulting to the authority
of the government, as well as the expressions you saw fit to make use
AGI, rC, leg. 149-1.
"'AOT	r>n~n	,T7

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