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the record, if it's all right with the court, certain documents that we have received on behalf of Judge Russell's celebration.
First, we have the proclamation signed by the two mayors of the city and the president of the Board of Supervisors. We'd like to make that part of the record.
BY THE COURT:	That will be admitted.
BY MR. HAAS:	I also have a proof of
publication of the proclamation that was published in the record. We also have a copy of the editorial written by Ellis Cuevas commending you. I don't know if you have seen it yet, but it was in the Sunday's Seacoast Echo. And I thought it would be appropriate --
BY JUDGE RUSSELL:	I'll get it tomorrow.
BY MR. HAAS:	I make that part of the
record. Also we wrote various public officials advising them of this day for Judge Russell, and we've heard from some. I'm not going to try to read all of them but I might read a few of them. I have one here, and it says, "As one of Mississippi's most distinguished and well-regarded members of

Russel, Dan 037
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