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Sta-j-}o'id to c,?,tJu)e. hi ncie^Lcs. acA. Cl'ioncA. Sta*fo-id9 c.1 CcjO-t&ui fi&jpc-it rlevM. If-L&yuUxz hi 1622, 'icsi cjof.vpeddcd b-j -t'le. cLz&ifi oj nc.tJ:cj^LrJ, tlccax. cad t?ie. ao-U 0$ ^cjzoh	']d>ctlioa hi 1676 tJuz
da&aend&iba, -le.<? UiteUnia aid. hi 1600 oc,tA Jo m id ct the. ^-Iio-Lza. o r the.
?J	<1	U	J
Ca.'-jobli'jiA, bauJiie.-i n'o-tVi aid Sooth CaswJJsiCy which at that ?tu:ie. oca. izid.iohdcxl, Oiw. 9aahLf -t/>l?ad ou&t t-ie, SrxztLon and c/zo-tuicd. the aouiita,hia, to ohat -M. no# *J cy'Si&p&&&c9 ruzlrjhtc, to r^cJ.?-e, the, Stct-iz of 'J-tc^tl?Jjavdd. f-'ou ?jI'axzi hi 1778 tJuz&z cxzie. (Jo?i>i htsz'fo-'u.l unde*. &jzcz'. cjcch Seuic/z. -to oluIp 'JcjZciz&oyi ct !(hir*i. f ?otiitt&iii.
Ciy-ucr, p-tobcbJif to tJic. -iitosd-a ^zc-th'jn. c^yiex&i?&i by tim
{'thztio>i 0^ the. \evo-itiuioHy cdtc-% the, eAtcb-Liilvi^^tt of -t?i? iVsc,thu^i
? f )?-	?'?!? if* t t 4. >? n ?)	4.'	''?*	r	f (~i	?	t	i-
?xpuo^uz, --ouLiasz b-zomyu. r'^14. jas/Mf cum, tue.	yvu&xzt J'-joaa. Ko
t!z-z hoctiliJi l-'icuZncA o<	9-lo't'Zda-	is iota Jjihiiizc. t!'.e. oZli&s. ^?OCytXcjua,
1	O	/	6	.
hi fo'txihui the. seovklAjc. oy. &eAt 9Zo'iida ?h-t tJ'a J&sJt decacLz 0$ tfzc 18 th*.
CciSbate.j* -hiKlas vxxa, tua^leJ. t!i>tca -thzcA. btf hht ^haZ tvZ^-z he, luid ^oua.
Soya, iLtticgt the o-ld&ity I o-'tet,	aid	l&keZ&ted	-the.	ifoiuu^^iZ,
rhy-adZ 28, 1716. %0'ttze. btf the. ?texnot-zd a-i^a aaa. 3J.ctjbhaclaAy XpxmtiZaa^ [yuiitdic^te>i,
0,'icsU:.	ho-tizc, hi t/ic	dcc^ulc.	o	-j	lJlz 1 Qt-'l, Lctit&Vf.
?'dx>u.t //?/?, t'uz eduLyi '?'.Lilian auut/i^uid !ihi. 1 ^ '. u/hrc. and yen. 'Us:zio>zd<r.d to 'tepO't-t tc ' toot'io: /7iitJiO'ththeA. <j?o-t the. de^cnic. o f i <aJ 0.*2cayt9 aid Ctsic/lsyzcd hubs. <1on took tiid. p-LccaZ cad hjhted. -the. ?o*?&&, bplou i?ica ~>JU>oxa. ivatcJi'iiic jo-1 -t'le X'tlt-iAh aid. hi th& jhiA*t ^uinhili on t/m ucujO'.i, >:ta? z'le ?'???..tX.'isiht aitd !--c.d. !\.Li, xsjrivt e*2'.t beckon ovt Je.cttib-"#, 29, ISI^ 'Jtn&i >jca, ti'ii d.?y<4. uc^O'Ui f'-z !?? attic, of l>e>a	-JiMjcr. tiui -tiizc o-j -uyuj^w, of
Cii',^dt ty.4. 'dathc-si dsicd, OJui ot/U>At <ion 'J-lllicjs, took tfie, po-ltcd)J.<i acc,L'Ji caul vjcnt to the, !Ju,*jc!-ia<U'.9 that pa&t o-- i ?-biAdAAdpn-i p,ui.t ta!\?n 00-:-l b:j t?.e d-n-.c,>jic?LyCwui ?lc.t-T/1 CsiO'l&C.! GOCst. if-Lcf?. ^ OtV-yUf hito ^.OUrL&si-rj.v:.

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