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? .?V-? ? : ,v. \	^;-iv'.
Si.fottis gsiljj
Illi: COJilMi FIlrllT. .
A Visit to Bay St. Louis,. Bullivan?fl Training Ground.
H9 la Getting In'Fine Condition?Billy Madden, ?Ua Tralneri Baa*-' gulne of Victory.
[From the is'aw York TJorald.]
Bay'St. Loois, January 10.?A very rapid nnil pleuaant ran over tho flneut, boyond nil ? compnru, of, out' Southorn roilronds?the Louisville end Nashville?brought your.coi'-respondent IfomHow Orlcitus to Ilay St. LouIb.
| Thu object of ilia writer's rlait to thia-moBt ?olmrnilug rcsoi-i on the ^lorjonn Gulf slniro whb for tho ourpoao of Interviewing Jolm!E. ?Sulllvon, tho colabnitBd ioatoii puglllat, and Ills trainer, Ullly Madden, who wero lioie lo-oatnil, who, In fact, lmv? boon .hero some tlmo preparing for tlio ooming prize-fight. Thu train lunched- tlio Buy Ht 7:15 p. m,, making tlio run In two hours and. fltloon minutes.
: On nalclng tlio uxaot wliorniibnuta of Bolllvun *lnd MnUclon, tho answer caino tlmttlioy woi'o (r'obiibly nt tliulr quarto's immediately front-iijjthubuy, It was furtliev ututail Jilint-thoy l\\d boon 116 tliu hotol'wlion the aarly ovpnlng twin oamo in, whb very probable tlnit tiny would immi bank hUor, Tin* above-in-lo'ifmtlnn proved oori'i'ot, lor in a low. mln-utVtfln oimii? Siilllvini and Jfaddon., B0U1 mon lilt) ovhliiiuly Boon hard work mncu your cor-rowjndcnt Imd lam laid oy.oa upon thuni. Sul-llv/n.', tn l.o mini, had tlio anino yollowaili. brovn suit ho- eportud wlluir loeatoil In Now Oi-IcMih, but Instead of a 11 out Hlilrt of B|)Otluss wlillo Ini carried a flannel undershirt wliiuli aiiaMdriHl tlio purposea (if nn mitaldu ono, anil thU>i'aiuoi?i'liip.iib|iut tlio nooic with n blue' vol'll?litii liiast-l. -lliit tlio neat, jaunty iiiub-niolio, %hloh both uiun liadnpoi'tod whim suim lus.t It thy OruBuuiit City, Innl utlurly dl&tip-ponrui, Both Of tliuir ? fucus' wore cjdsoly hIuiyim,. Jn laot.hoth tlio nfi|ioiU'-anooni gami' eocka of tliu Blmwl-nepk brin'd pi'upiiimTfm1 butilu, with nil tliu glory oi tliulr uuiuitvgou'u. '	1
.(7oi'dliiV'(irontlni{8 wui'0 exchanged, and an ospcelu', lnqiili'y addressed to aulitvnji .L-llaitoii tliu Intorriintlnn-lliiu liu wiib In tip-top condition, nr.dAVuiKliod 158 pounds, stripped, you-, torduy,'
"Havuyuu any feara now, Mr. Madden, In regard to lliu light not taking plnooV" whb tlio quiwilon put to tlio Iralnur.'
?N0110 In tliu leaat mnv. I know my map would Unlit, but I lmiat ooiifcua that I waa onco not ho mini about Jtyan. Not that 1 bulltivu liu will shirk tlio light, liocniisul mil very mini ho I is game; only 1 was afraid nlliurs would pliioo ' dlflloultlua In lilu wily (Hilt not all lila bravery oould DViirooinu. But alucu I talkud nmtiurs over with llyan In Now Orlnuua, only-afuw days iwo, 1 Imvo clumKUil my opinion oonaldor-! abiy about tliu-wli'oln buHlnoas. Now 1 know tliiuo will bu atl(;lit, and 1 do not bolluvomiy-tiling unu pi'ovnntlt."
VTIien'-you aaw Ryun wliun In NuwOrloana, Wnrn tlio prollmlunrloa of tlio flylit tivi'aunod tlien??	..
"No, only aomo minor mattora, but I am very Huro tlioro will bo 11(1 dllllonlly about any of tlio inlnor polnta yet to bu illHOiiasud. J imiat Bay I wiib very pluaaantly grootud, anil I fuul oui't'utii that uvui-ytnlna will bo done on tho Brpiaru. I will hot now any lummnt of.iuonuy that tliuro will ba a fl?ht, aurii." ?
"Did Snliivun non Jtyan,when lio passed tUrmii'li lioru on Woiiilay?".
?l'uai Kynn waa looking out of n wlndoivof one of tliu.ooiiuhuB wlum no saw Sullivan and ? hu ut oncii unllud out to him hi id iHtud how liu was kiiUIiik011. 'Flidt riitu,1,ronllod Sullivan, and lio wont forward uud khvo ityim lila huml. They tl\on oimtiud tofjotliur vury pluauuiriiy mull tlio Ivaln sturtud, whon Snllivau wild, 'Utiod;by, I?aildv, I will snu you huur.?1 ltyiiu ut unoo aalil, 'I'll bn on Ilium, Biiro.'11 ' "What did you think, Aluddon,.of Kynn's uondltlon aa It npiiuarod to you?"
. "M ull, to unswur tlila qnuntlon oxaetly.-I tlilulc lie la carrying too umch fluah. iind I do not bolluvu liu uiin ti'ain It off In tlila.ollinatli Without Biirliiua Injury, Hyiin inuHt now havu twnlYi; poujidH moru of uiipiU'lliioiia floah on lilln tliuii ho iiliould Imvo, and with that lie Ik notllL to fight Sullivan."
"Do you aLllI uniurtaln tlio aamu lilgli opin ion 01 yimv piinulpiil tliut you (lid whun la Now Orlonna?" ?
'VYnnJ air, X do; and still hold him to bo tlio hoatlljnitliiK.nmu In tlio world, .without uny exemption wlmtHvin. A good dual haa'bcun aald iibiiut' coi'taln apoolivt polnta that ai'o claimed for Uymi; and yut 1 am vury auro poo-' pin'wlll'bu natonialied when limy rniu Sullivan? airlpped In tlio lIuk, 'i'lio uiont stubborn now will ulmmio. tliulr onlnlona. then. Tliuy will luarn. iliun that Biilllvmi uan lilt hard ahd quhtk, and 01111 atniid up qulto an long in tlio Uttmioh tiu ltj?iiu ; and you may duo lid on it liu la somuUimg of u wrvaUor, too. Juat wult unil
you will bul', "
Notions do you think tlmt tho battlo will last?"
. ?/Not longor than thirty .minutes. Both men mqau bualnoau, and.tlmrii will bo 110 'tlmo lout in sparring, Now one of the mon. niust bu whlppud lit that time If roituliir bualaoBa la oav-
. ???'? ?? .?/? .. * ?-? ' ? ? m i* ?
? : 1- ? ? ' ?
1	?
oonBlataof colil roast beef or- .mutton ohops, ivlHi Btnlo bVoud aiid butter, pliiln Rpple buuco anil ivnak tea. On00 in a wlillo thu'nioiil la va*
?	rlod with -Irish- or bcotoli out- tnonl, well oookud 'Svfth milk, If ft hnppoiw to agree with his stomiioh, Aftor supper Sullivan takes a mod-ovate wivlk for about half, an hour. Ho ro-tiro?to bud about D:80. Ingoing to bod lie always tukea ofl all of Ills clothes woru during the day?o.Yury Blngle garment, partku-larly tliosc worn noxt to tlio ekln., ''His sleeping room is always kopf iwell ventflatixl, with the windows tv : liUlo down at tho .top. Ills bod oovurlng Is nl-:.waya put well over biro, So 1m la koptrinmfort-:
I able and. nothing uioni. During training all hot biitha or bod swuata must bo ourefiilly
1 avoldud, ua tlioy lire dubllltailng In tho us-ti'umu. Tlio pci?siilnitlon Unit may bninduood. lu oidlnai'y la nil'chut Is required nnd nothing moroi OcaiiBlonully a pleiuiintBour upplu orun orange may be taken In the oven-Jiw.ln Qrdur to.regulutu tliu bojvula if lequirod. Tobuoco, in.fuct all ailmnluni^, are oniofully avoldud, wltirtho single exuoptlon ofaglaaa of alo at dinner, but evon llild mnat not bo touched except whcn: neooaBlty requli'us it. Only a uiodr.rato quantity of Baltin moittsia allowed. Ji)8t'onougli water la pu'rinltliid to quonoli the thliBD. At tliq Bamo time ovi'or oare muat bo'-tuken tlmt lio does, not Buffer for tho want ol It, I'lolity ol time la given for uallng Ills moiils and the ; stomnOh must not lie overloaded. Hls-tralnlni; j ivlll bu Qompletod In about fivu weeka. wliinh ia uniply long onouglf' for tlmt buslhuas, In my opinion..! am -iilwuys purtioulartliat Sulll-vmi la novor overworked, for tlmt brings on e.tliniiBtlon,.which la hui'tful, not to say dangerous. 1 shall stol) work tlireo daya before tho' llglit. und tliun nil the oxuitIbo roqulred la. modarato walking, wltli plenty of rubbing down, both with hands and tnwela."
Tlie.oolora of Sullivan.are a whlto silk hand-kurchlef, .with groun border, and Amorloau 1 and Irish -flag I11 ouoli oornei?eight flaua In alt ?an uuglu 'In tho eiintur, innl under tliat tlio ninllo, r,May tin) beafumn win.,r
Sullivan Lo tlio quualinu," you think of tho (iimdltiou of U.van?" ropllud, "I think it lU'Bt-i'nto." And who thlnk'wlll win?" "Wull, tlmt In a lliiril question; only I shall do my biist to accoihpllsli it."'	-	.

Sullivan, John L 004
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