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Emily Lorraine de Montluzin
b. March 12, 1948
Graduation notice (Duke University), Bay St. Louis, MS, Sea Coast Echo, Thurs. May 23, 1974, sect. A, p. 11:
Miss deMontluzin
_Miss Lorraine de Montluzin. daughter of Mr. and" "Mrs. ? Rene de Montluzin of Bay St. Louis, received the degree of
the degree of Master of Arts in June, 1971. As the recipient of a travel grant from the Department of History she did
research, toward.her. disser-..
tation in London and Edinburgh in 1973 and the same year was named to Who?s Who in American Colleges and Universities. Her specialty is eighteenth and nineteenth century British history, and her dissertation topic was
Doctor of Philosophy at Duke University -commencement exercises held May 12 in Durham, North Carolina.
Organs of "Anti-Jacobin Propaganda,1792-1832.?
?Jacobinism and " the Reviewers:	The	English
Literary Periodicals as
Dr. de Montluzin received her B. A. degree summa cum lande with distinguished honors in history in 1970 from Newcomb College of Tulane University, where she was a member'of Phi Mu sorority and was named a Woodrow Wilson Fellow and elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
ifr the TCeits-Shelley journaT A second paper, ?The ?Dedication Scene? in The Prelude and the Book of
?She lias published one ar-' ticle, ?Southey?s ?Satanic School? Remarks: An Old Charge for a New Offender,?
She was admitted to the
in the Oxford publication,
Graduate School of Duke University as an NDEA Title IV Fellow and was awarded
Notes &Querie&,in February, 1975.
Dr. de Montluzin has accepted an appointment as assistant professor of history at Francis Marion College in Florence, South Carolina. She will assume a position on the faculty in September.

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