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Mr William Barnett Director Mississippi Park ConHnission 7717 Robert E. Lee Building Jackson, Mississippi 39201.
Dear Mr. Barnett:
I am pleased to transmit herewith for Federal matching funds for deve tion through your office and the under the Land and Water Conserva' opment of this much needed facilit;
The site of the marina co ing of a 50' wide land raately 1100 feet with expand this by the add facilities, lighting, rest rooms. and the n on the enclosed_fiLb& pi
It is our Recreation/ priority
We wish to' and assistar
Bay St. Louis' application ur marina. This applica-oor Recreation for funds ntended to bring our devel-
improTemente as yet consist-he Mississippi Sound approxi-xtending from the end. We proposed to unching ramps, beach shelters, parking a protected harbor, docking facilities, paration. All of which is fully shown nts
that you, your staff, and officials of the Bureau of Outdoor re our bel^dpf that the Bay St. Louis Marina deserves a high ^ignment.
>ress ourywpreciation to you and your staff for the cooperation this application possible.
Should you have any questions or need additional information please contact our engineers and planners. Burk & Associates. Inc., under whose general supervision this application has been prepared.
Yours very truly,
City of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi
Warren Carver, Mayor.
WD/pc Enclosure CC:	Burk	*	Associatesi^Inc.

American Legion Pier 082
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