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Mr. William Barnett, Director Mississippi Park Commission 7717 Robert E. Lee Bldg.
Jackson, Mississippi 39201
RE:	Bay	St. Louis Marina Development
Dear Mr. Barnett:
I am pleased to transmit herewith the City of Bay St. Louis' application for federal matching funds for development of our Marina. This application through your office and the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation for funds under the Land and Water Conservation Act is intended to begin our development of this much needed facility.
The site of the Marina contains only minimal improvements as yet, consisting of a 50 foot wide land mass projecting into the Sound approximately 1100 feet with a fishing pier extending from the end. We proposed to expand this by the addition of boat launching ramps, beach shelters, parking facilities, lighting, construction of a protected harbor, docking facilities, rest rooms, and the necessary site preparation. All of which is as fully shown on the enclosed site plans and attachments.
I do hope that you, your staff, and officials of the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation share our belief that the Bay St. Louis Marina deserves a high priority assignment.
I would like to express to you and your staff our appreciation for their cooperation and assistance in making this application possible.
Should you have any questions, please contact our engineers and planners, Burk & Associates, Inc. , under whose general supervision this application has been prepared.
Very truly yours,
City of Bay St. Louis
Warren E. Carver Mayor
CC: Burk 6 Associates, Inc.

American Legion Pier 084
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