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Sec. 23. The Secretary shall issue alt licenses and affix the seal of the city thereto} said licenses shall by, him be numbered consecutively for each year commencing with the number one. He shall be the keeper of the seal of the city and attach the same when so ordered by the Mayor and Aldermen. He shall keep a book in which he shall enter the number of the' license, its date, the name of the license, the privilege licensed, the time when the license will expire and the amount paid for it, He shall at the first regular meeting in every month submit a report of licenses issued,during the month, containing date of license, names of parties to whom and for what purpose 'issued, and the date‘of expiration. He shall keep a book in which he shall keep an account of all warrants drawn on the Treasurer, and shall make a report of the same whenever , so required.
Sec. 34. He shall attend all .meetings of the Mayor and Aldermen, make out and furnish the official journal of the city (if there be one) with a copy of the proceedings of said meetings as soon after adjournment as practicable; and shall also keep a book of1 minutes of the proceedings; he shall report to the Mayor and Aldermen at each and every meeting all violations of the ordinances, 1-ules and orders of the city, whfch may have come to bis knowledge; and shall furnish .such oth'« information as may at any time be required of him; |jbe shall keep and preserve all reports 01 the various city officers, and generally do and perform such other duties in the line of his office as the Mayor and Alderr Vmm jn aj^re cju ire^ He Shall,‘upon the passage'of a4ny‘ordinance, /prepare acopjPof the same as soon thereafter as;practicable, and submit the same to the Mayor for his approval, which, when approved and attested by himself, shall be transmitted to the official journal of the 6ity, and published therein one time; and ff there
•	be no such official journal, then the Secretary shall prepare three fair copies of the same; and after being approved and attested as herein required, he shall post them up in three public places in the city, one of which shall be at the City Hall. -
Sec. 25. He shall keep a well bound book in which he shall record, in a plair., legible hand, all the ordinances, and all the resolutions of a general character, that may hereafter be passed by the Mayor and Aldermen; and when so recorded he shall present the record of the same to the Mayor for his,approval, and if the Mayor approv£ the same, het shall indors^jhis approval upon the record.
Sec. 26. Whenever an ordinance shall have been passed, approved and published, or posted up as the case may be, it shall be' the duty of the Secretary to report the fact of publication at a meeting ot thq Mayor and Aldermen, arid make an entry of the same on the minutes of the proceedings of said Mayor and Aldermen, and endorse a reference to such entry, under said ordinance in the book containing a record of the ordinance.
Sec. 27.- At every regular meeting of the Mayor and Alder<-
men, he shall present a report showing the amount of money col- ‘ lected, the number of offenders tried by the Mayor and fined, and the number of persons committed to. jail or worked on the streets.	v
'ARTICLE IV—City*Marshal.	.
Sec. 28. The City Marshal, before entering upon the duties of his | office, shall make a bond payable to the board of Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Bay St. Louis and their successors in office, in the ■ per^il sum of two hundred dollars, with two or njore securities to be' approved by said Mayor and Aldermen, conditioned that he will faithfully perform all the duties of liis office ; and that he will well and truly pay over all moneys received Qr collected by virtue of his office during his continuance therein. .'	^
Sec. 29. He shall be the executive officer of the boiird’of'
Mayor and Aldermen, and of the Mayor’s^ourt. He shall with- " ■	^
out delay execute all lawful process that "may be directed tcHym .• by the Mayor or Mayor and Aldermen ; he shall use his Utmost	•
endeavors to prevent £.nd suppress all breaches of the peace, and	^
to quell and suppress a/iy rioting or improper disturbances, or any indecent or disorderly conduct. He shall at all times arrest aud take before the Mayo? for examination, all persons who shall be	, \ ,■ V
found violating t!ife provisos of any of the city ordinances, and,	^	•'
when such violations are committed within his knowledge but	*
►	out of his .sight, it shall be his duty to^eport such offenders to-	’ t , .„•<
’said Mayor, w{io upon his information, or upon the oath of cred-	'	,, ^
ible persons, shall cause a warrant to be issued for the arrest of a such offenders, an<J held to answer at the next term of the Mayor’s-	*
court. He shall receive and collect all fines or amercements im-	.«#,■
posed by the Mayor or Mayor and Aldermen, and wher#collected ■	V
promptly pay the same over to the Treasurer and take his receipt‘d	,
therefor, which receipts,- together with the statements of all	■>
monies by him collected and paid over, he shall report*tQ the^\ Mayorand Aldermen at each of their regular meetings, or, twhen-‘	■
ever called upon so to do.	’	1-■ ,
Sec. 30. He shall be present at all meetings of the Mayof,an<f Aldermen ; shall notify members of all regular or called meetings;: r"	'■ ■•J ‘
he shall see that the Mayors office is kept in a clean and com-	V*
fortable condition, and provide fire and lights for the same when^.i^	t ^
necessary, and shall perform such other duties as may be requi^-*. ed of him by the Mayorand Aldermen.	*
vv. lif
ARTIClHj V,—Street Commissioned	•;	>	nk •• f
Sec. 31. It shall be the duty of the\Street Commissioner of - '*V*.V-Tiv the city to see that the roads and streets within said city be kept *_, * ''if'fy'.' in good crder and repair; that all the ordinances, rules and regu--1,^^*^ ' lations in relation thereto be fully carried out and observed; to re- '	1
port all nuisances and obstructions founfl .thereon, and. to-rempvfc*.;/ *
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BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(16)
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