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the same whenever so required; to see that tfie bank along the Bay of St. Louis,in front of said city, is kept in good order and repair by the owners or occupiers of the properties along the •same; to prevent the erection of any buildings, houses, huts, shanties or tents along the beach in front of said city between the road or front street and the sea, except such as are allowed by special permission of the board of Mayoi'' and Aldermen; to see that the banquetts or side walks are kept in good order and repair
*	by the owners or occupiers of the property or lots along said bank; to see that the fences along the front road are not erected across the line mailed put for the same,
Seo. 32.. It shall b^liis special duty to see that all city ordi-nancc^in relation to theHmnk, banquetts of side walks, roads and ■streets^e complied.vith|\nd in^each case of violation thereof, he shall Viforce compliance tfr«{ewith,’give notice to theoffender, ■and repor\the the ^ycn^XJboard; as may be his duty under the \rdinances. For every violation of his duties in this regard, on the same being established to thfesatisfi^tion of the
•	board, he shall be fined in any sum not less tmfsJijtff dollars nor
'more than twenty-f^ve dofkrs, at,the discretion orthe board, the :same to beVetained out of his salary ; the amount of such fine to be fixed by resolution of the board.' '	¥
v	.	**	.	*
<■	\ ARTICLE VI—iAssessor. ’
• \ • * ■
Sec. 33. TheNAssessor, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall makfe a bond payable to the board of Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Bay St. Louis, and their successors in officer, in the, penalty of five hundred dollars, with, two or more
■	securities*to be approved by said Mayor and Aldermen, cqndi-tion^d'that.he will faithfully perform all the duties Of his office during his continuance tnerein.	.
' Sec. 34. He shall perform such duties in connection with the-assessment of taxes as may be required of him by ordinance or resolution of the Mayor and Adermen.
ARTICLE VII—Collector.
Sec. 35. The Collector before' entering upon the duties of his office ghall. mflce.a bond payable to the Board of Mayor and ' Aldermen of the City of Bay St. I.quis, and their successors in office, in a penalty equal to the full amount of the taxes assessed in the city the preceding year, with two or more securities to be approved by said Mayor and Aldermerr, conditioned that he will well and truly execute and perform all the duties required of him by law, and the ordinances, rules and orders the Mayor' and Aldermen, ar\d, that he will well and truly pay over to the proper officers of tlie city all. the moneys that may be collected or *vreceived by .him,.for, or on account of said city, as the collectoj' •of taxes, for said city, diVring his continuance therein.
*. . . . . .
Sec. 36. Besides performing such duties in connection' witli
the collection of taxes as may be prescribed by ordinance, he shall make out detailed statements ot his receipts Irom all sources, showing the amount paid and on what account, and present the same to the Mayor and Aldermen whenever they require him to do so
Sec. 37. He .shall give receipts for all moneys paid to him, in his official character, and shall pay into the City Treasury all moneys collected by him within ten days after collection; he shall also make monthly settlements'with the Treasurer,?and shall enter in a well-bound book, to be kept for that purpose, the date and number of eachjax receipt issued by him, the name of the person paying taxes, and the amount'paid, which entry shall be made, at the time of issuing the receipt, and the amount of the aggregate of such receipt, entered on one page, and. so on, so that the amount colle%d c&n be-seen at any time, by an inspecr tion of such book. He shall also enter in said book in immediate connection with said other entries, the amount of his payment to the Treasurer, giving the date..of such payment, so that it c^n be seen by reference to said book whether the payment made to the Treasurer embraced al.l that he had collected, less his com--missions; and said book sh^l at all times be subject tp the inspection of any,officer or agent of the city or State or'any tax: payer of the city.	•	'	-
Sec. 38. The Treasurer before entering upon the duties of his
■	office, Shall make a bond, payable to the Board of. Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Bay St, Louis, and their successors in office, in. a penalty to be fixed by said Board of Mayor and Aldermen sufficient to cover the amount of money likely to come into his hand in any year, with two or more securities, to be approved : by the said Mayor and Aldermen, conditioned that he will, faithfully perform all the duties of his office, and well and truly ac,'/ count for and pay over, in kind, all moneys which may come into; his hands as such Treasurer during his continuance therein, •
Sec, 39- He shall receive all moneys belonging,to the city • either for licenses or any other source, from any person offering tp, pay the same, giving a receipt therqfor; he shall keep an accurate' account in books to:be kept for that purppse, of all receipts and,■•' disbursements, and shall report to the Mayor and Aldermen, at . their first regular meeting in every month, h full and detailed ac> count of all such receipts and disbursements and of all other proceedings in his office; he shall, also, if required at the time qf ' making such report, bring all moneys belonging to the Treasury counted by the Mayor and Aldermen.	'	V/
Sec. 40. He shall exhibit with his reports, the v°uchers for, the disbursements , charged therein ; and the;.Mayor and 'Alder ’

BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(17)
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