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j »
•	*	V
A .
•	' MAYOR and aldermen.
, i. At the .appointed hour of meeting, a quorum being present, the Mayor, shall take the qhair and call the Board to order. The-:	minUtes of the previous meeting shall be read, and if approved
p./“■	.by the Board, shall be sigtfed by the Mayor.	»
, 2. The following order shall be observed in the transaction of «*• ^ . business; after reading the minutes :	■	*	•
■!,.• i. Reading messages from the Mayor and’reports from offi; .?.■	.	cers.^ , .	.	•.	-	■'
a.. Reports from Special Committees. »	^
; / • ‘	; Reports,from Standing Committees.
/,.<*■'.4.''',Presenting	Petitions,	V
■■■	- ^ 5« Unfinished Business.	. * \
' »» 6.' New Business.	-	'	.
■	-	^ ^3. The Mayor shall appoint the following Standing Com-
fVtmttees:	'	^
1.	On Finance—.To consist of three members, who shall ex- .
*	» amine and report on all claims presented against the city; the:
1 chftirman shall countersign all warrants drawn on the city treasury.
2,	On streets	and bridges,	tp	consist	of three members,	who.
*	y'i	report the condition ,of	the	streets,	and	bridges	in	the limits
r V*	of the city,,	V
.1 J r'S- The regular meetings shall be held on the first Saturday of, Ov each month; special meetings may be held at the discretion of v,/ : the. Mayor, or at the written request	of foui; members of the
.	Board,- All-meetings shall be held at	t|>e city hall and be open
V	.. , to the public.	•
4.	Every member when lie speaks	shall rise to his feet and
address the chair. When two or more	members shall rise at.the
same time, the chair shall designate the	one to speak first.
5.	All reports from committees and officers shall be in writing,
, and no resolution shall be considered until it has been reduced to-writing. .	•	_
*	6.	‘	When a member shall'be called to order by*the chair or a
' member of the Board,' he shall take his seat, and all, questions of order shall be decidedly the chair.
. V-.-.T 7. Ng one.of these rules shall be.suspended except by athree-^ fourth vote of the "memBers elect of the Board.
-1	*
' " ''.**> *\ * * '
Advertising Tax Sales—fee for .:.........................	“41 ~ ^ 8
Aldermen—qualification for.	............'
—pay of for attendiftg meetings............-	10y‘i ’
Appeals to Circuit Court—how taken ......................	13~ 1	.
„ <;	—if appellant fails to appear....'Z-......( j»’ 'A£ " { T
•Arrests-^for violations of laws or ordinance^,.^1.,	.... 15;	*02	'
—resistance in easy; of*penalty___T.. •/]&•/. 8
‘Assessments—when and how madtjV................. v........-3°,	<V
—when to be examined % Board.........
Assessor ancj Collector—duties and pay of. .•>.	.,....._a8,	*.
Ballot-Box—, to'be in custody of Secretary... &.* .V. •. -n'jf oT'.	'
Banquettes,- Sidewalks, Ditches, Drains— in rel'atibri to..
Beach Banks—must be kept in repair, and by \vhgm.,	■„
Beach Road—width of......................
Biennial Elections—oflleers, to be chosen at. ...-,v.■ $ >	.lr	■
—	regulations governing	4;o3.	••
Board of. Health—of whoin.cojiiposed . v. .. „ ,	*99	Jbi)* * *
—powers and duties of.....	.17-18, 54^55,.57-^2. ,
Bonds of City Officers—how fixed	> 9~fc3 •
—if not given in thirty days......q-iO
Boundaries—of cor''<v£j*—,............................................._....	-. ( -3y / .
Busine“- "t TL^.ra"Kreetings-^-how conducted	64-7	3
By Ijhws—of the Mayor and Aldermen........... 	.... *	3 •
'Cab£ -must be licensed.,..... •..............-5
Carriages—must Ije licensed..............................t 51*^
Carts—^must be licensed	......... .... .f%Kl	.
City Marshal—compensation of	.......   	  1 r,*i4j
—ppwers and duties.of . ...............  ■?"
Claims —when.allowed contrary'to law or ordinance...^
; •	—mujt’be audited and allowed before paid.'; ,	1.:
Commissioners of Election—how appointed, their duties. ; « -
*	Committees—of Board of Mayor’and Aldermen.................... 4	64»^1b
Coaches—must be licensed, . ». .........................\. y ■	,	51 -r'^
Contested Elections^— hflw to procegd in.............	6	-	b
Contracts—t/or public, work, to be authorized	by	Board ...	■	10
-Vwhen not authorized by law or	ordinance.	t,20 •
—offictrs pjust not be interestod in.........	.-	'34 *s- ? >
“	*	***”	r	n
Recency—offenses affecting.. .-.T\1 W' .................*;.•••	47-

BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(31)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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