This text was obtained via automated optical character recognition.
It has not been edited and may therefore contain several errors.

Dogs —destruction or muzzling of........ ..............
Drays—must be licensed..,..............................
Election—for city officers, to be held biennially.......
—regulations governing...................
—how result declared......................
• Election Commissioners—how appointed, their (Juties....
Election Officers—their duties and compeosation..........
— shall not be candidates for office.......
„ -	Expenses	of	City—appropriations for..........'..........
|	Fines—for not attending meetings of Board of Aldermen .
( —for violating city ordinances ................
>a1 ■	*	*	—penalty	for	neglect	to	pay	.........
' Firemen—Exempt from street duty.........................
Gaming—power to suppress...........................
* •	—penalties for, ...	.
Goa&—may be prohibited frojjB running at large,.
A	■ « Government of City—in whom’vested .................
‘	Hawking Meats-------to regulate or forbid .
- fj;'j//'	^	Hogs—may	be prohibited from running at large....
v'V.’.-jsfti.Jnquist of Damages—for property taken for streets..
/	Licenses—shall be posted conspicuously .......... 
V '*	be sold or given away during election
V:V:^Market Houses—establishment and regulation of...........
. 's -r " " Mayor~-general powers and duties of...................u, 12, 30 -a
i * •.	’	,	'•—salary and fees of.....  ... ,N.......................	12	-/».
'1 2^?’>>■ 'r,y — shall-make monthly reports of fines and
^''	•> •' •,» ’	penalties. ..,	...14 ->r>
> Mayorand Aldermen—powers and privileges of..... .f "17,2^- 3 1 'V-♦ «>•■?.	—meetings	of.	...	..•■•...................'
"Mayor’s Court—jurisdiction and powers ot .«...TS—-n.. . ^,. i5,'
. , s • Meats— to regulate hawking or selling . .. . V; .....T. ^ 17
•• Meetings—of Board of Mayor and Aldermen.	.?3^9, v<<
•-	—penalties for not attending ...... Xvn,-. • ' *~ 10 ' 'v 'S.
v ;-Minutes of Board—to be preserved in a well bound bqok. ., '25- A ?
'	«•;. • ,	—may be published in newspaper.-..... . .V »*- *
tMqrals—offenses against................	___
—T' Ntiieances—what constitute, h'"*'"
’ *• " >
_ a well bound bq> ...aj- oe published in newspaper.-......
vflipials—offenses against........................ ......
“Ntiisances—what constitute, how to abate. ~ -
v ,•	:	,	—how	defined,,penal ties for.X. sJfc.
V v,*Oath—-to b^ taken by election commissioners ............
!' :,v	j.; - —by clerks and peace officers... i....... .
‘J*> ’V'**-: V'-.y \ —by Mayor and Aldermen.,*.........../,-----
, v V"	’-—by electors..,......................S..  ...
*	—by	all officers... .*....................
1	- ptfenses—against morals and decency.......................
v' }.. '	•	n	.	effecting	public	peace	and	quiet.........
v !W	, \u ^»ffec^og publ^Yety and public property
—miscellaneous/	•	>	......*.
my	^ v' "4.
term ..........................	4i	7 v
.	—qualifications for..........................	7— 7
—malfeasance,etc., in, how	removed for.. *	8~ 7*
of City—how designated................................	4	'
—bonds of, how fixed ............................9 — / O
'j	—duties and liabilities, 29
Jf Business:—at Board meetings. .•......................	64—
>jflt*nces—style of and when to take effect .............. 10, 57 -
—when approved or vetoed by Mayor
U	—fines for violating ...........................................	19-^-^,	^ ^ ./ i ■
J	—heretofore adopted to remain in force.... - v6 * 3 4'	-	^	j Vf,-/
idinances, Revised............... ......................  ■'26-63 '	J* 9 J 60 ■	'/I*-'/
J	—to provide for publication of  ................
™	—not included herein.repealed ...................	27	-3	k	■ ' • / j
—in relation to wards and elections............	28 ~ 3 if
-r-in relation to city officers generally......	29
Mayor....... .......*...............-30 - *>/	^ i , ; ' v
\ Secretary.............►•••/............. > % 3» ' ^
City Marshal,............ ?.............* #34 r W1*; ;r7	■
Street Commissioner...........33 -	*	f.-;-S®*^
Assessor. ....................,!........	34	-	y	(	• V#
Collector........................’	34	,1-rf •/	,
Treasurer ...'............ .*.*	-	r
-in	’	''"^collection	'	■	!4
—in reiauu.. -
in relation to
decency ...	........1.........
—in relation to offenses affecting public peace
■	. and quiet ... .-........<	*.47	*.1
— in relation to offenses affecting public safety r 38*10 ^
affecting public property...................-49 - 7 ~k
■—in relation, to nuisances ...  ............... 	4 9- /('
—ip relation to miscellaneous violations of * , ■’*.	.‘A*/j- .•*'
'•••- v ordinances.......... ..............».......( 50 <•" V J ^ t M
in relation to publie conveyances ............	' 51^	^
—in relation to wagons, drays and carts.. r • , 51 '-P #
—in relation to banquettes or sidewalks....	. 52-/5-^	Jw
—in relation to oyster houses...........	'53	- 7 jt ■/ aj> ^ ^
—in relation to dogs, vicious animals, etc.. K‘i~el4-77'	",.43,TO7
Roard of Health. ...... 54, 57 ^.56-'%^,’^
5-5	^
,n rejan^,.-
in relation to wagons, u^,. ..
in relation to banquettes or sidewalks....	. D._
■in relation to oyster houses.........	'53-71 i
-in relation to dogs, vicious animals, etc.. 53-54 -77*’,
-in relation to.the Board of Health. ...... 54, 57*^7
-in relation to .city warrants. ....... ....	5.5* Jy
-in relation to salaries apd" fees    ..........   ^	r^
-in relation to ordinances and by-laws, when
to take effect   ............ ......... 1.	->'gf
—in relation to violation of ordinances	57.^	A\;.
—in relation to the Secretary as Auditor,^
. /'.i...	-v.'■	)f:h^
'	‘	J	.
, \-S-	..\	V- ■ '	f-.X*
" r n Vx/ /*>

BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(32)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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