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tun h‘. /./	/tc.	T~r
?♦»*!• L-Rive*1—£*^1-5-6 Site - •SSrn-^*^-
This site is situetod or, a terraco ronr.ant i~'ric;a 1 •jto’' y	of toe
Pearl Silver delta, in uu.icoc!: County, hiss ‘ ss I-.- i,	of	rearlinrton,	.
which, is on Highway ‘.>0. The terrace is s p p r o x*.oto 1 y 1 ’-.lie fro:.-, the
Pearl River end	miles from the -"If; it is surrounded on the north,
west and south sides by delta swan") lands extendin'* to the 1 o’.v O-ilf beach.
Immediately west of the terrace is Mulatto say* &?. wh’ch flows soi thwest
out of the Prairie Terrace to enter the Pearl River delta lowlands
immediately north of the site, n jryir.g aro’tnd it to flow southward into , .
'* 'T'
Pearl River. The terrace rises abruotlv from the marsh lands to a" iS-] ”
of 20—?- feet; it is dissected by deep "ul'.ies, one oi' w*ich separates this
1	n..
site from a lar^e shell -’i drier to the'north. i-iost of this midden has beer.
removed for road construction, to tho extent that its contents are 'jr.known, except that it app.orred t-.> cor-ta In no -,ottcry.
The Pearl riiver Delta site was explored oy Gary Kraus, of i-etairie,
, with assistance of his brother ana a friend. i-..r. Kraus described the site and its exploration to the author a"h mnae his collection available for st’-dy. It incorporates s ’r^sce collect’ ons ana the res 'Its of excavations, controlled by 6 inch levels. The r.icden atoo the terrace w?s
3	feet in depth over its center, slo</.in;: to 2-2 1^2 feet as it a- fr:> ached the terrace F.erzir frontin'- on ..:uiatto 3ayou. It was sand;: clay. almost black with .ridden refuse, underlain by a sandy clay, li~ht tan in color.
The midden v/as homo.'Teneo 1 s with no evidence of stratification.
In the squares excavated by Mr. Kraus, a distinct difference was fo”nd in artifactual content of the lowest 5 inches and in the levels a:'.ove this; reference hereafter to zones 1 and 2 will relate to this difference in content, Zone 1 being the deepest midden in the 6 inch level immediately superimposed on the sterile clay; Zone 2 beinf; the 2 to 2 1/2 feet between this zone and the surface. There wan little or no sterile topsoil ^r.vor’n.* the midden.

Claiborne Historical Site Guerin-Giardino-(082)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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