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cross section, shown in ^i^ure ___________ is typical. In most places
the midden is composed of two units. Tho lower, and thickest, i3 predominately oyster snails (Cras-iOfltria vlrrinica). with bones of small animals, dec-r, bear, fish., charcoal and scattered artifacts intermixed. There are also irregular remnants of small clay-lined hearths scattered throughout the shell.
The upper level is composed of bl.clc organic sand, with inclusions of charcoal, animal bone, amorphous clay lumps, and artifacts scattered throughout. An increased frequency of clay lined hearths in the upper lev^l iu p-irticul .rly notable.
Sterile, light brown sar.d, oxidized to orange and red in places underlies the midden area. The sand is part of a Pleistocene barrier island ccmplez exposed in the general region.
More recently members of the Gulf Coast chapter of the Mississippi Archaeological Society have made frequent collectticns at the site. Artifacts in the collections of Mr. C. Lowry and Mr. Charles K. Satchfield of Gulfport, Mississippi have added considerably to our ’^nowlea^e of the cultural content of this site.

Claiborne Historical Site Guerin-Giardino-(083)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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