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On the web - www2.	OF HANCOCK COUNTY
Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi	MARCH	2003
The March meeting of the Hancock County Historical Society will be held Thursday, March 20, at the Kate Lobrano House, 108 Cue Street, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.
Mr. Phillip J. Remel, Urban Forester and Arborist, will be the guest speaker. His slide presentation will be on the Historic Trees of the Pearlington Cemetery. After conducting an extensive inventory requested by the Board of Supervisors, he is ready to share his results.
Please call early for reservations as our seating is limited. Remember our “Make It A Thousand” campaign to increase our membership and invite a friend to join you. Our luncheons are usually completely sold out; however, at the last couple of luncheons we had several no-shows. There is a waiting list, and we would have no problem filling these vacancies if we knew far enough in advance.
The board is reactivating its policy of charging the price of the luncheon to members who do not show and have not cancelled. The unexpected happens to everyone at some time. We would appreciate your letting us know as soon as possible if you are not going to keep your reservation.
It was a breezy August summer day, 1910. The ladies were driving about in carriages, a number of pleasure boats were moored at the wharves, waiting for the men to embark upon fishing expeditions to the neighboring waters. After returning with strings of fish, there was a big fish fry out in the open, with the hungry, excited diners feasting upon cold watermelon and drinking gallons of coffee.
Later in the afternoon athletic events were held on the beach. The first, a 100-yard dash, had eight entries. Other events included the 50-yard dash, the fat man’s race, and the egg race. Crisp $2.00 bills went to the winners of the competitions. This gala , believe it or
not, occurred at our own Clermont Harbor, in Hancock County. In 1910 the Sea Coast Echo, Illustrated Magazine Section, reported, the “Hopkms-Rhodes Company, agents for the Gulf Coast Development Company ran a special train from New Orleans carrying 300 people to the scene of the celebration prepared by the promoters. Gulf Steamers and westbound trains conveyed as many more from the Coast towns.” “ The special train from New Orleans left at nine in the morning and returned with happy passengers at five in the afternoon. The New Orleans people were on the grounds in time to welcome the big steamer, which brought visitors from Biloxi, and other coast towns. The day gave promise of being a

Clermont Harbor Clermont-Memorial-Proposal-Booklet-(03)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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