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"Twelve ’S’lagp - Triurnhp and Tragedies"
-	Ttele Green veil	(19*8)
Chanter ?*? - "The Spanish Period" 16?--3.
TTnder the Snanish, rany grants vere recognized.
Fro7- 1?80 on they vere recorded, recognizing many ■>,vio had lived on the land pince the French n^riod.
0ec. 18, 17?8 - Augustin Glode had a grant on the Old Fort River (could have teen Fort Bayou).
1805 - 1813 - Julian Azevedo sold land opposite Deer Island
(noy Ocean Sorinpp) to Widow La Fontaine v;hich had teen in'n^tited fror 1805 to 1813. Her family had lived in the area nrior to that and at one time had the noint vhich is nov called Point Cadet in (nev) Biloxi.
June 9, 1782, Tittlenage Robertson sold to Wood pen V’ren land on Bay of Biloxi v.’hich included the Old Fort.
I8l0 - T^hen Jope-oh Nichols (Ladner) pold hip land to Jerome Ryan in l8l0, the grant read "Vieux ^ort, not inhatited."

Coast General Spanish-Landgrants-Ocean-Springs-1780
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