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"'■•■"V	~ ( ’*J	..	.	i	*	*	'"'-vl	.	Hfl
aouK 32 ««J^6
from Pedro 'Whitney and Offie 55chulthei3 to Levi Davis, now
deceased, and the subsequent death of the said Levi Davis,''
the land described as ,	'.*'*>	*>XU
otnrtinr, frbn a nipe set :for the Southeast, cornsr of the iatar3«ct; 'tein and Thompson Streets in the Town of
•	■ Gaina.svi.llei iiancocK ;County, Mississippi;. thence• South i£ jep*ra*23'V/^5t;, gionr? vhg East marrrin of.Mat,in Street a' '•iiafccnee' of\-?50 feet to a pipe set for the southeast-corner of the intftrsectljoh'-of -M$tin-a nd Poarl Streets j thenco Jtorth- 44 dis^rrisas' iia'st- alon»-'the east u.nrgin of Kain -'Street a distance, .of 275'feat to tie canter line of Union iitreet; thence flortn' 46 dar.reea West alon; tho center line of Union Street o iJlstanca of 575 feat to the center of the intersection of Union and Ambrose Streets: thence Worth 44 r!-'rrciof- East' alori** the centcr line of Ambrose Street a distance* of fc*/5 feet to a point on the center line of said •\mbros*'* Street; thence Sovttii 82 lo»r,r<»oa >'ost & distance of 2J.4 fa«t to a new /yiivftnised pine set at sn old fence cor . -r n>at for the woint of berinniv. r‘~ the I arid heroin described; thnnc<i north 44 dss;:vj-5 3* ainntes Eaat r. dist/mc-y\: . 15 foot to «i !new fcnce corner posr, whieh pout is the southeast corner of a new f*?nce er.closing *!>.*♦ new residence of .‘•’ro. Oorn 2. Savis^thonec along the mean^arin*. of tho wssr- rnar.'Mn, of tHe Upper Gainesville Hon:! to an old iron s>i?e set !'■>.’■ the -'northeast earner of subject description, an-! which nipe lies on a straight lino on n be^ri".;* of Sarth 15 rte^rees «12 minutes at and .•< distance of 87«.?2 feet from tne last mentioned. fence corn or past nt Krs.
Davis <ic*w residence; thanee north 6/ decrees 0? roiuutes '.-'eat f> !i stance of	to an old iron p.;set to
marh the no:.-invest corner ;,.f ant.jec*. deiiC/i'>vU^ tn«yice South iOr*rv‘?a v/e.j-c alon.-r the rerafti 13 of a very ovi ’fence 2i:v *> di. stance of 1,0.~:3.3.’ feet- to «•> old fence cornsr :«>3t. said post b^inr the oonthvia.'-t .'r.o‘.‘ snb.iect .•ieoft.-i"t1.oa; thence S-nah $:> de/treos .'.3 :v.i n.t:;s Snr.t ajfrn ' -th« rir.ninfl of : very ol ' r--rn:e v:ni:	s-X'Sr-'t	es
nvb.iecT toronerty , from -i,fry, a iis-'-nca of	■
feet to. the■ sontftehst snd the point 0:' t^nnin.-t of sub,lee*: description, oontaininf. i.\ ane c.^ ner»<; more or less and ;bair.f p«r-. i.>f t.n.; .*.~r-r«;’.c	■
UnnnocJ. I’-cunty, rtiississl ppf. >
•is vested .in 15 ora	ar. u:vi:v- d«d	t:
’’ llodio Dev is ;)h£!:.pr3£no and ’dnrry v.'iilir,sn	•■-
iivided one-fourth interest. :t :!.- I’urther,
A;j*.»:)Gai) -\kd decusc;i> t5.«t f' i
consist only of t-i.ia denrc-a v/> 1 eh 'ec rec- jr.:*.-
records nnd iv. ;c.<ud ns provided by xt-M, ^D.rrnrvp amu d^:y.v ,
■•i 1
. tit
; t /O ;■ of
jnber, ■■■ • Ti., 1^61.
C. J^XADNERjjChance^Cletk ....
Pv l^-4i Jvdi b.juCp c-
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. County of Hancock.
I,	LAl^KKK,	CI»*rk	^^iinr***v Court o{ «**id County, certify that th* wirhm mivtrutucHt wa» filed ior
record »ji rny^otificc on litis th.» _	<*;*y	^	___________, IV	,	*tt	-——_______________________nVluck_. M.
and dulV r^cordi-d in Dt***d Ri*c<jj'd‘H^c>k No* Witnvds’Vpy jv»<ul and rioal ai	this	the
...	•'	-iTj?
KK, CI**rk of th«' Ch;ini*»*tv Court *>t K*tid County, certify tl
,j.,y of	___________. IV //
^-3 ,	No,	dlZZ^L.
this the___	dky	f.f	jl	/£*
/ & X
CLA!£OttNt^J..L4pNI£H. Chancery Clerk
,y•* - By

Gainesville Giardino Report Decree-(3)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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