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sti# *i‘» f*6l*>59
, -v.rj vd Ail nt t.t'.jir interest-in fla.d to said lani to Levi
•	;y>* di ■;*.:■?>$ «~i, By -virtue of sai-i conveyances. t.he said
.. 3 .vis b-jQ.-jM , vested. i o sn 'ntviividtsd ene-l*n3 f interest
■	; i to 6*1 ;j	ani Levi Savia. now 'ittceosoc!. in the other
■■■•■ -rj 1 r uriiJv;i •!«:; 'Lat«i*esft.
Vic* Court f;:rr.har finds fiat on tho l?th d/,y of June,
;t„3, ' uhs; said U-vi ,'nvis depart,, ', this life intestate leaving -its sola ;vj4 .,r»iy hrdrs at J,v*. his wife, Elodie Davis, now un • o 0*vSr C.-'.s-i’, aod his jo,; , Harry '-.illi'im Unvic, two - petit"■ sv ft are i-i. That., in, aeoordanca with th-.* laws v •Hae«.vt .vsd '-.istr-.teuton of ?.ht» State of Kicaissdcpi. the
vci'.»-”.i :• to cat'! lna-j .vj uajivided.
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■•• 1	->d	•••>;	I*	;	".nemr'c
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■	r„o »:»; vhf* aole survi vin,-;! I,.,-it &*OdiO	”.OW	Ll.U'di
’.ro hereby
4c«?tniso'i as th# sole ysrvivinr hairs at lsw of Levi Oavis« s-*d,	»”«re	h>}r«by adjudicated to be the sole surviving
oira at law said d$co:!f?::t. .It is furthfir,
*...u'»aKu/,	:<:r> 5$ca.Ei‘:i> that by virtue oi* the
•	••nvijvaaee from St*llu Davis to ilora iS. Davis, and tho conveyanc
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Gainesville Giardino Report Decree-(2)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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