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Deaorl pt*on of certain iando ?n the
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Ambrose ualneti Ula’ia iu hunovofc County, !Ja.»'ao<	,
claimed by l.rB. Cora E. Davfu:
;jtar tjvj fi'ou a j'se aet for the uouth-eaat cor ritv of til© intersection of Ua<n and 2ho:apu;jA Streets *» the town .>»: aaJneavUle, Hancock Oounty,	,	(uee attached ;.lat c?
survey by 'Drake c CiiApnuii, v »lii), thence S 4-1‘’OQ1 ulon*: the east uiarg-'n of iialu street, a dlotfvic© of 7c0.0u feet, to a ;-*pe set for the South-east corner of the 'atcrsAct'en of i:a«n i-earl itreeta; thence, I! 44*00’ alon* the eaut n.aiv’n of Ka«n Street, a distance of 27E.0G feet, to the center Une of Un1 ■m Street; theaca, U 46"oO’ >7, along tlie center 14 ae of Up.4cr. a d?stance of 575.00 feet, to the center of the inters.- .t'on cf Union and ^ubrose Streeta; thence, :: ♦,4\u* E, along the crtur line of Arabroae Street, a <|* atone® cf 675.00 feet, to a -a.-mt or the center l*no of att’d Aubroeo street; thence, a U^GO’* a distance of 26*4 feet, to a ne’fl galvan'aed pi;>e set at an old fence corner post tor the pe«nt of	of the land :.
described; thence. I,' 44‘V-t: > E, a	distance of :.i‘> lV-t,	U- a nev
fence comer post, wfc«ch poet <a	the aouth-ea«>t corner	of	.	„©,■#
fence enclott'm? the new residence of ::rs. Gera 3. Dav?::; ' .^oc, alone thfe sneander of the 'jout war^n of the r.oer 'a?::*;. •i'r> u*.-..ft to an old tron p’pe aet for t:.o liorth-eact corner of a,: ,	.< ,:-
cr<pt<on, and wh-»ch p’pa l*ee on u atra^/ht l‘ne or a ■>•.= of K 15 12’ E, and a d^utunce cf o?»,22 feat, fro::: the liis:t • .t4---’.ed fence corner post at t.ra. ’)avJ J new r*.>»<?ene<s; 'thcacv.,	■: ■
a d* utance of Jta.CC* feet, t*. an	old *:-’cn „>4pc ..<et *‘o’	.a-:	/”.t-	’
Ilorth-.vest corner	of	abject >:eucr4 pt! on; thenc--'--, - ;X•*..• .>•
along the	re.-a-’nti	of	a very o'd -‘euoe l4r«e,	a	i*ata«e».	of	.	,;.f
feet, to an old fence corner pout, sa«d ^osc ;	i	e	...,t
corner of	aabject	dauor’pr^«>.•>; thcuoe ^	J," at...
cta^n» of a vex-,; cl-; fo;ic» wuicii separate;; uuv.• -t .'i’-.- c-. r, fr oeiieteri-,	a d*.*tane«	of, tc * he	.rh—-a t	c.v- -r	ui..i
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Gainesville Giardino Report Surveyor-(3)
© 2008 - 2024
Hancock County Historical Society
All rights reserved