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Survey for Hr a. Cora S. Oavl.a, 3a»neav1lle, lianooofc County, U*ub.
3hect Ho. 3 o' 3.
the ISorth lino »b described hero-la ha3 been accepted an such a<nce hi a flrat arr’val In the area, and that the west end of tne ilorth l<ne aa deijo.-4 bal here-'n had beon eatubl'ahed by ilr. 22. :i. liraice tiny yoarti 4n the ;>aat but that he did not rucellect exactly v-Len;
and, «n conclusion, ▼ certify that all ef the ’n-foruation hore-by conrnyert «a true and correct to the beat of r:y*il6dit3 and b«l«ef.
lil., Jt. LuiHa, tl’ua,, .June Jiwth,
ioe aitao.
*lat of Uvurv'j..* "v "*	•	"-a,	.	r.,
. -• . u\.

Gainesville Giardino Report Surveyor-(4)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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