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HU33	THJE STATS 0? LOUX9ULHl	j	Know all men by th#
' fp >i -J-r OTED	PARISH 07 PS 30TOT	)	that S«mproniou8 Rui
HONOHI ?* DEB1I8UX JR.f^^Rivar Pariah and State of Louisiana for and in
tion of the sum of two thouaand dollars, to be paid to him on hia lawful representatives, agents or asai Honore F. Deblieux Junior of Hanoook County and 3tat£ issippi $1000	, one thousand dollars on the tenia
June (187 6) Eighteen Hundred and aeventy Six, ani;J promissory note for five hundred dollars, with intent eight (^) per oent on the same from Ifilith day of JtiX
eight hundred and aeventy aix to be paid on tenth da,’
June (1877) eight hundred and eeventy seven and hii isaory note for five hundred dollars with interoat i Eighteen hundred and seventy aix at the rate of ei$ per oent per annum to be paid ontenth day of ^une 16 een hundred and seventy eight, have given, granted, sold and delivered, and by these presents do give, gain, and deliver unto the said Honore1 F. Deklieux hia heirs and assigns, forever. The following pi paroel of land To wit being the fractional aeo-! i	(16) Township (9) Nine Range (14) fourteen to wit
;	ing three hundred and eighteen 318 67/100 aores si
upon the aea shore in the bounty of Hanoook and
isaipyi, being the late reaidenoe of Goll Andrew « purchased by the said Sempronius Rusa from Rodrio! the eighteenth day of May A. D. 1872, eighteen hun Seventy two said Rodriok Seale purohaaed lame s sale on the 7th day of Feby. a. D. 1870. Eighteer urm„vi tiftfirt ia reoorded in Reoorder's l

Gulfside Methodist Assembly Russ---Deblieux-deed-(1)
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